Where Do They Get the Money?
Coyotes charge illegal
aliens $4,000 to $10,000 to get to the United States . From the beginning I have wanted to know how
the impoverished citizens of these anarchistic hell holes get this kind of
money. A day’s work in Guatemala will
get you exactly $1. You don’t save
$10,000 by frugal living on those wages.
Even if the money comes from a relative in the U.S. working
for minimum wage, how do you save that kind of money? The source of this money is suspect and
should be investigated. It will shock no
one if most of it comes from illegal sources, just as the men killed by the
cartel were also frequently employed by the cartel.
no mistake, I am convinced that the tens of thousands of unaccompanied children
entering this country should be treated as refugees and kept here, not returned
to the horrors they have risked so much to leave behind. I think we have a wonderful opportunity here
to take these youngsters, who have already shown bravery, strength and tenacity
and turn them into both good Americans and dedicated Republicans.
know the conventional wisdom (and the fervent hope of all leftists) is that
they will automatically vote Democratic.
This kind of thinking shows both the latent racism of the left [If you
are brown-skinned you’ve got to be committed to the idea of constant victimhood
and a Dem, right?] and a total misunderstanding of the character of the Latino
community. I live in the Rio Grande Valley and this is what I know: the
Latino population has all of the characteristics that I associate with
Republican values. They embrace hard
work, value education, love family, respect faith, and have intense pride in
self-sufficiency. These are the kind of
people who can only strengthen the herd.
we do have to stem this tide of humanity.
We can not accept all comers to this country. We do not have the resources to assimilate
all of them. Every illegal alien that we
accept represents a corresponding legal
immigrant for whom we do not have room and resources. No one wants to look at the numbers and name
the country we exclude in order to help the illegals we include. Yet this must be done. The ark only holds so many.
stem this tide by intervening at our border is starting some 1,300 miles too
late. The governments of El Salvador , Guatemala
and Honduras
are all complicit in this problem. These
governments are, corrupt and thoroughly unconcerned about the children they are
brutalizing. These officials steal the money
we send in aid, sell the material we give them for relief, and siphon off the
loans we grant them for internal improvement.
But the money they lust for is also our weapon.
originally said we should deduct $100,000 per child from the aid for each country
and send that money on the schools of the communities in which these children
come to live. I have expanded that
thinking. All aid to these countries
must halt immediately. We are not
helping people, we are enabling criminals.
Our aid will be returned, in the form of in-kind services only, when Central America seals its boarders. If Oprah can build a school for girls in South Africa , we can build schools for girls in Guatemala , as
well as hospitals, factories and roads, but these countries must first clean up
their mess and make it safe for our workers.
Our mantra should be, “Local
effort equals American aid.”
Start boarder control at the source and keep
the faith.