Is Obama One of Our Four Best Presidents?

My default setting for a good book is a biography, add a penchant for American history and you have someone who reads a lot of Presidential biographies.  I am up to 13 so far, and plan on covering every President before I die, God willing.  Naturally, it caught my attention when President Obama said he would put his administration up with the top four Presidents. 

             President Obama was clearly one of those children who were constantly told by his parents and grandparents that he was, “special.”  He was a special person; his parents were special people and everybody else, particularly people who didn’t think he was special, were wrong, jealous and possibly evil.  Such children grow up with an exaggerated sense of self.  We usually only see this syndrome in athletes or Hollywood stars, because politicians have to come up the hard way and there are lots of people to let them know just how, “not special” they are.  Of course Obama was plucked from the political shelf and hustled right through the express lane.  [Come to think of it, maybe he is special.]

            Well, let’s look at the 11 Presidents that both liberal and conservative historians consider our best and keep the Obama administration in mind as we do so.  I have stayed with just two accomplishments in the first term of each of these admirable men. 

George Washington, put together the best cabinet of any President as well as creating every standard for the office.  He mitigated the argument between Hamilton and Jefferson on how the Revolutionary War debt would be handled, and kept us out of the war between France and England. 

John Adams built up both the army and navy, and having the strength to defy the wishes of his cabinet refused to declare war with France.  He appointed John Marshall to the Supreme Court. 

Thomas Jefferson ended our payments to the Barbary Pirates to prevent seizure of our vessels, and then sent gun ships to reinforce our sovereignty.  He made the Louisiana Purchase and sent Lewis and Clark to explore the same.

Andrew Jackson supported states rights, but not to the point of allowing nullification of Federal laws, thus strengthening the Union.  He did away with the Bank of the United States and paid off the national debt.

Abraham Lincoln preserved the Union through consistent, principled and courageous leadership.  He prevented Britain from recognizing the Confederacy and passed the Emancipation Proclamation as law.

Theodore Roosevelt settled the United Mine Workers strike while taking on the largest, richest most influential companies of the day.  He built the Panama Canal and started the conservation movement, creating our first National Parks.

Woodrow Wilson created the Federal Reserve System, passed the Clayton Antitrust Act and may have had the most progressive administration of any President.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt used his, “first hundred days” to issue a plethora of executive orders instituting the New Deal.  He created the FDIC and the TVA.

Harry S Truman had the courage and broad enough shoulders to give the order to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, recognize Israel, and institute the Berlin airlift.

Dwight D. Eisenhower started the Interstate Highway System and expanded Social Security. 

Lyndon B. Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.    

Barrack Obama has the stimulus bills and health care reform, which, like Bin Laden, are shot full of holes. 

Have a little humility, and keep the faith.


Kathy said…
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...:::breathe:: ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...

Oh wait...did he specify which President's? As in, the United States of America President's? Or did he parse his words so that it could be say the President of the "ringaling, dindong society" or perhaps the "moonbats are us society" or maybe the "they're coming to take me away society".

Or better yet, what is his definition of President? Maybe he means dictator as in "Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China."

Ha, ha, ha, ha..oh wait..then it's not so funny. I truly don't understand why he hasn't been brought up on impeachment charges. Is VP Biden that horrific? Probably a resounding yes. Thankfully, America can survive an even worse President than Carter.
Kathy said…
oh dear...did I really 's? My Mama would not be proud...
Louise Butler said…
If you are talking about using a possessive instead of a plural, yes, you did, but it didn't interrupt the flow of your thought. No, your Mama would not be proud, but we won't tell her. It will be treated as a scrivener's error. By the way, Biden would be almost that bad. It's the exchange of a boob for a braggart. Thanks for reading the blog. L
Anonymous said…
Actually, most of these presidents did none of the things listed. Those actions were taken by congress during those presidencies and may or may not have had anything to do with the presidents. Presidents shoulder both the blame and the praise for programs and laws in which they played no part other than failure to veto. An intelligent president does not waste time on a veto if he already knows congress has enough votes to override. Executive orders work the same way but in reverse. A president may issue executive orders, but those are really only temporary law. As soon as congress convenes, it may end the executive order, it may ratify the executive order, or it may take no action in order to support the executive order without showing they do so to their constituents.

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