Witches in Georgia, Nuts in Texas

Some time ago a woman in Georgia won a restraining order against a man who had been stalking her for months.  She had met him when he answered her advertisement in a singles column.  In the ad she described herself as a, “wiccan” priestess—a witch!  She was then shocked that she didn’t attract an intelligent, emotionally mature male.  Instead she got a weird, obsessive stalker.  Whom did she think she was going to get?

I realize that I am probably not being as tolerant as the times require, but it seems to me that any adult who calls herself a witch should not be expected to be taken seriously.  Do adults have to be told that there are no such things as witches?  Didn’t we learn that sometime between the Salem Witch Trials and the dawning of the nuclear age?  What seems to be going on here is that the mantra of tolerance which rightly began as a way to combat institutionalized prejudice has been carried to an extreme that says we can no longer refer to anyone as a crackpot.

Let me give that woman a heads-up.  There is no Santa Claus, no Easter Bunny, no Tooth Fairy, and there are no such things as witches.  You might think you are a witch, you might want to be a witch, but you might just as well tell people you are the Queen of England.  For pity sake, people, grow up!  Magicians do tricks, not feats of magic.  Psychics and astrologers can tell a sucker, but not the future.  The only aliens who have landed in New Mexico are the ones who came across the border.  And, in case you are wondering, the Earth is not flat!

We have a culture that is busy creating imaginary demons because it doesn’t have the head, heart, and hands to tackle the real ones.  This nation has serious problems vis a vis energy.  But they are tough problems with tough solutions.  What is more, the scientific issues surrounding energy don’t have the drama or hysterical high that childish fantasies produce.  So instead of real problem solving we have people wasting what little mental resources they seem to posses on one comic book crisis after another!

The nut squad is out in South Texas now in the form of people who are sure that the electric company, AEP Texas, is installing smart meters that will allow space aliens to suck out their brains—or something like that.  We have a professor of English at the University of Texas Pan American asking for a moratorium on the meters.  Part of the problem is his being an English professor.  This is a soft discipline, requiring little empirical background, just a willingness to stick out the doctoral process and speak obtusely.

Smart meters use a wireless communication technology to transmit electrical usage data to power companies and the consumer.  They will allow power companies to work more efficiently, more accurately and, ultimately, cheaper.  There is no evidence that they spy on consumers or cause health problems.  Anyone who tells you this is lying or ignorant. 

In Latin the word, “truth” is veritas.  It means universal principles and laws.  It is reality, naked and unapologetic.  The truth about smart meters is they will allow power companies to get fast, accurate readings of electric usage.  They will allow consumers to monitor their usage and conserve as they choose.  If you want to opt out of them, your electric rates should be higher than mine, because you are standing obstinately in the path of progress. 

Do not believe in fairy tales and keep the faith. 


KrisMrsBBradley said…
You may be surprised to know that the US has this thing called freedom of religion. Wiccans, witches and Pagans serve proudly in the US Armed Forces to help us all keep our freedom of speech, to say such things as "her religious choices make this crime her own fault".

Would you blame a victim for wearing a short skirt?

I practice a form of religious witchcraft and I have just as much right to be taken seriously as anyone else - even those who have no respect for other religions besides their own.
janette said…
I am a witch, and proud to be one.
Anonymous said…
cool, you don't believe in us witches, We don't believe in "intelligent" politicians. Proud WITCH.
MrsB said…
Sorry, but this witch believes in intelligent politicians. I might not agree with them all and I might think some are intolerant, but I don't think they are stupid, either.
Anonymous said…
Point them out to me please?
MrsB said…
As I don't want to get too far off the original topic, I'd invite you to have this discussion at FB or another place besides this blog.
Anonymous said…
There are SO MANY wrongs in your opinions but, hey, these are your opinions and have not a darn thing to do with facts. Stick to subjects you have a good working knowledge of. As far as smart meters go they are also being pushed to cut off power at certain times to save energy when people are supposedly at work. This does not take into account the elderly, disabled, people who work from home, people who work at night, etc...
AutumnRose said…
??? So if I choose to not believe in YOU does that mean you do not exist? That YOU are just a part of my imagination Ms. Butler? You are wrong, there was a Santa Claus, his name was Saint Nicholas. There IS an Easter bunny...I gave a real one to my daughter in her Easter basket last year because she celebrates Easter. There is also a tooth fairy, they're called mommies and daddies who put coins under their child's pillow in exchange for the tooth that their child left.
There are also Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics, Pentecostal,Jewish,Atheist & Satanists, just to name a few...and there are also Wiccans & WITCHES who practice Wicca. I myself am a Witch. I DO exist, therefore witches EXIST because I AM one. And I AM taken seriously & I am NOT a "crackpot". I do not follow the other paths of the religions I listed above but that does not mean they don't exist nor does it mean that it's followers do not exist or that they believe in a fairy tale or are considered "crackpots". Sometimes I admit, I don't understand other people and their faiths, but I respect them just the same as those that I do understand. I don't think it's fair for you or any of us to judge another person either & that is clearly what you are doing. The lady that got stalked shouldn't have EXPECTED to get stalked because she was a witch! She was probably looking for someone that she could relate to and had things in common with. Nowhere in her ad did she state "I am a stalker & am looking for someone to stalk me" did she? Like anonymous stated above...stick to subjects you have a good working knowledge of!

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