Refugee Children and the Hunger Games
I tried to read The Hunger Games trilogy once. The writing more than passes muster, but I couldn’t finish the books. I could not accept its major premise. I could not envision a society so corrupt and totalitarian that it would entertain the masses by pitting its children in televised combats to the death. But I have started to connect some very uncomfortable dots. Think of how we devalue children and truncate childhood. Think of how transient adult pleasure is valued over the demands of child rearing. The signs of possible dystopia are all around us. Are we paying attention to them?
That brings us to a very real, present time crisis, and
our reaction to it. We currently have
some 54,000 unaccompanied minors—children—crowded into holding cells designed
to hold drug moving scum, human traffickers and gang/cartel goons. These kids are truly orphans of the storm,
and my heart goes out to them. How any
could mother, any Christian, any American look at them and not be moved?
These children traveled through Mexico , but
most are not Mexican. Most come from
corrupt, dysfunctional, violence ravaged banana republics in Central
America . Guatemala , Honduras
and El Salvador
are the primary countries of origin. The
alarming numbers of children, crossing alone, was first noted two years
ago. Children crossing the border from
each country named, doubled in 2012. Our
border patrol and local elected officials alerted Washington to the problem at that time. They were ignored. The numbers doubled again—close to 8,000 from
each country—in 2013. Requests for
action were ignored. By the summer of
2014 the totals per country doubled again, reaching almost 16,000 children per
hell hole! Now the press decided it was
news worthy, so Washington suddenly discovered
the Rio Grande Valley !
The sight of children sleeping, head to foot, on concrete slaps, covered
by Red Cross blankets finally reached the media’s threshold of photo
Anyone who reads this blog knows that I am disappointed in the extreme with this ineffectual, jejune, shallow President. I don’t have much regard for our do-nothing Congress either and right now I am angry and embarrassed by the members of my own party who barred busses of children from entering a shelter in
These children are refugees, not illegal aliens (a group I have no sympathy with). You need only do a little research into what their lives are like in
can not say it any better than Emma Lazarus did in her poem, “The New
“…Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Keep the faith with these children.