The Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street

Readers of this column know that I consistently say I am not a member of the Tea Party and have some problems with them.  It took the
Occupy Wall Street
rabble to make me realize just how normal the Tea Party is.  Comparing the Tea Party to the OWS is like comparing some long suffering parents to their out-of-control teen-agers. 

What are the top ten differences between the Tea Party Movement and the Occupy Wall Street Crowd?  Let’s compare the two.

Tea Party                                                         Occupy Wall Street

1.         People who work for a living.                        Vs.       …who don’t.
2.         People who are looking for work.                   Vs.       …who aren’t.
3.         People who want to keep their money.           Vs.       …who want your money.
4.         People who hold Congress accountable.        Vs.       …who want anarchy.
5.         People who vote                                             Vs.       …who never will.
6.         People who want our system to work.            Vs.       …who hate capitalism.
7.         People who value hard work                          Vs.       …who value nothing.
8.         People who clean up after themselves.           Vs.       …who make messes.
9.         People who love family and country              Vs.       …who love sex, drugs, self.
10.       People who the media hates                           Vs.       …who the media love.

            Every time I hear people in the news trying to compare the OWS crowd to the, “Arab Spring” I start to gag.  First of all, the much touted Arab Spring seems to be dissolving into chaos with Christians and Western leaning thinkers finding themselves at serious risk.  A mob is a mob is a mob.  Mobs are brainless and without accountability. Because of that, those people who have a brain and an agenda will work to manipulate the mob to do its bidding.  One of the biggest differences between the American Revolution and the French Revolution is that we had John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and John Jay, the French had Madame Defarge.   The second reason the Arab Spring analogy makes me sick is the difference in the risks taken by the OWS yuppies and the people of Egypt, and Libya.

            We are a nation of laws.  The OWS people are going to be arrested when they break those laws.  We are not going to send tanks careening down the streets of New York to see how many of these idiots we can run down—and they know it.  OWS is playing pretend three weeks ahead of Halloween.  They are adults putting on the costumes of activists and playing parts in a play.  They risk nothing.  They dare nothing.  They know nothing.

 Essentially, they are part of the spoiled generation.  They want to live a life of ease without earning it.  They have been taught that they deserve all that is good in this life simply because they exist.  Now they are playing the part of an ever demanding, “Me” and they still haven’t earned the role they play.   They drive to the protest site in their cars.  Sip a Starbucks, eat food someone else has mistakenly chosen to provide for them, make a tremendous mess and leave it for someone else to clean up.  They are lazy, selfish and will be gone as soon as the weather turns cold or the cameras turn off.

 In the mean time, we have spent a year hearing how despicable the Tea Party-ers are.  Why?  Because they come from functional, working families?  Because they want to change what they feel is wrong by using the laws of the land?  Because they clean up after themselves?  Evidently, yes.  That makes them decent Americans.  What is the fun in promoting decent Americans?  They are dependable, rational and they tend to vote Republican. 

            Take away the allowance of the OWS snots and keep the faith.


Dona Calcote said…
Wow! I'm not sure I can spell generalization. Can you?

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