Chris Christie and the Young Vampires of the Tea Party
The Tea Party has given this nation a much needed fiscal intervention, but they are like young vampires.
I can best explain this discord with an
analogy of Stephanie Meyers’ excellent books advocating teenage chastity. Meyers wrote the Twilight series of novels about vegetarian vampires who are under
siege from vampires who want traditional vampire values. Traditional vampires want to kill humans by
sucking them dry (which is what Democrats feel about successful business
people). Our vegetarian vampires want
to live at peace with everyone while simply being left alone to enjoy whatever
vampire-like existence they choose (much like Americans in general). But complicating things to the max are an
army of young vampires. Young vampires
are undisciplined, emotional and ready to kill everything, including each
other. Enter the Tea Party. New to the game, new to the town, and obeying
only one overpowering and all consuming instinct: kill anyone who isn’t one of
us. Never mind that by killing
indiscriminately they will bring down the wrath of the world on top of them,
and assure their own destruction in the process. Young Vampires don’t care. Yup, that’s the Tea Party.
Now let me explain. I like what motivated the Tea Party. As a nation we have been living beyond our means and counting on anybody else to solve our problems, blaming everyone else for our failures. But they are definitely young vampires who need discipline. This is a nation rooted in compromise, not naked aggression. I don’t like people who are vulgar, disrespectful to the office of the President, and who hypocritically cast blame on one party while giving their own party a pass for the same actions. I recognize that the intellectually and emotionally limited are always among us and some of them are in my party. I don’t like this President (is there anyone who reads this column who hasn’t grasped that fact), but he isn’t wrong all the time. To automatically discount everything this White House says, without a fair hearing, makes us look like marionettes. For example, President Obama is at grievous fault on the IRS scandal, but he is dead right on drones. [Sending an unmanned drone to kill an enemy of this country is nothing but a good thing. And if that enemy is an American national turned enemy combatant I want him dead twice.] To say otherwise is to look like an ideological fool. But, that isn’t what is making my teeth itch right now.
The rude and self destructive comments directed at Governor Chris Christie by member of his party, most of whom describe themselves as Tea Party Republicans, have me chewing on the carpet and refusing chocolate! Let me make this clear: Chris Christie is a moderate Republican who has shown us how to win in a blue state. He is a principled man who appeals to independent voters, without whom we can not win. I want to win! I am quite willing to admit that no matter how intelligent, educated or informed I am truth does not come exclusively from God’s mouth to my ear. I don’t have all the answers but, guess what (!) neither does any Tea Party vampire who wants only their version of, “purity” in their candidate.
If you don’t see Christie as our best hope for victory in the next Presidential election feel free to express yourself but remember three things: 1) Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment, 2) you are wrong, 3) young vampires destroy themselves as well as those around them.
Develop a little humility, and keep the
Thank you for this column