John Lewis Misdirects His Anger Toward Trump
John Lewis says he isn’t going to President-elect Trump’s Inauguration because Lewis does not consider Trump a “legitimate” President. Lewis also says this is the first time in 22 years that he will miss an Inauguration. For dramatic effect, Lewis conveniently forgets that he also boycotted George W. Bush’s first Inaugural—also because Lewis did not consider him to be a “legitimate” President.
wants us to think the problem is Trump or the Russians. He knows this is not true. Here is part of what he does know:
Obama won
Michigan in 2012 by 350,000 votes, Clinton lost by roughly
10,000. In Detroit and Wayne Counties more than 75,000 Motown Obama voters
did not bother to vote for Clinton. They simply stayed at home. If even 2% of
these louts had voted for Clinton, Michigan would have stayed blue.
In Wisconsin
Trump received exactly the same number of votes as Romney did in 2012. But Clinton got 230,000 votes less than Obama
did. She lost by 30,000 votes. If just
8% of the Democrats (mostly black voters from the Milwaukee area) had voted for
her she would have won.
black voter turnout dropped more than 11 percent compared to 2012. Almost two million black votes cast for Obama in 2012 did
not turn out for Clinton. If, in North Carolina, blacks had turned out for
Clinton as they had for Obama, she would have won the state.
Clinton wins Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina she wins the election. If even 1 in every five Blacks in these three
states got off their collective butts and voted in the last election John Lewis
would feel all warm and fuzzy about this Inauguration instead of having his
current embarrassing snit.
But Lewis
knows where the real blame lies and it is repugnant to him. The Black voters he fought for could not be
bothered with voting for a white woman.
They successfully voted for a Black man in both 2012 and 2008 but would
not show up for Clinton, making them both racists and sexists. That is a thick slice of humble pie for a man
like Lewis.
This man
is a genuine hero of the Civil Rights Movement.
This was a righteous time in American history when people like Lewis
faced real peril to right a wrong too long abided. He was on the right side, but paid a fearful
For the
most part, Lewis has got to know that the peril and pain were worth it. The great center of the Black community that
had the talent, drive, intelligence and discipline for success, men and women
held back only by institutional racism, leaped ahead after the legal chains
were broken. The least able were the
last to move on and that left the dregs of the community where they are
Lewis has
got to look at this thin percentage of generationally unemployed, gang
affiliated, drug using, criminally inclined, educationally indifferent single
parent homes and ask himself “I took a beating for you? Martin died for you? What are you going to do
for yourselves?”
Lewis is ending his life a frustrated, angry and unfulfilled man. It is too painful to admit who is really at
fault. I’m sorry, Rep. Lewis, but Trump
doesn’t own this one. Take a little
comfort in knowing that you don’t own it either. Talk to your constituents.
to the Inauguration and keep the faith.