The Iranian Nukes for Peace Deal
I know why Obama and
Democrats want this disastrous Iranian “Nukes for Peace” deal. They want to weaken both Israel and the United States . They are firmly committed to the idea that we
have sinned in the eyes of a secular humanist god and deserve some
comeuppance. Obama is also delighted
that John Kerry got one thing right. Iran ’s first
line in the sand won’t be crossed for five years, three years after Obama is
out of office.
that time the Asterisk-in-Chief will be home free; polishing his Nobel Peace
Prize and watching the sunset in what ever country he chooses to live after
leaving office.
any event, I get why the President wants this deal. What I don’t get is why the Russians want
it. Hillary can present all the snarky,
little red reset buttons she wants to foreign leaders, but the minute her back
is turned Putin will take that button and shove it right up….oh, sorry, I
digress. The fact is Russia has been
less than overwhelmed by this administration.
Strength they understand. They
don’t like it, but they understand it.
Give them the limp foreign policy of the last six years and they start
playing with you like a cat with a dumbfounded mouse. Even the left-leaning Brookings Institute
characterizes current US-Russian relations as being at their lowest point since
the cold war.
Russians do not benefit from Iranian oil.
It does nothing to help the world wide glut of oil holding down Russian
prices and depressing their already weak economy. We do know that Russia
is going to help build 2-6 nuclear reactors in Iran . We know they are going to deliver S-300
surface to air missiles to Iran . But these are overt actions that are going to
be delayed by our “kick-the-can down the road” timetables. So why did Russia , more specifically why did
Putin, agree to this deal instead of sabotaging it?
answer is China . China is a country on the
muscle. It is growing exponentially and
using fossil fuels like dinosaurs are still making the stuff. China
needs cheap oil and gas for its massive marketing engine—and Russia needs
everything they make. Russia ,
marginalized and out priced by the west, needs to sell what it can and buy
cheap. China is Putin’s marketplace. China wanted this deal and Putin
had no choice but to facilitate same.
is the bottom line? Obama is asking this
country to sign off on a deal that he admits allows Iran to have nuclear bombs in less
than a year once they power up. He
admits they will be allowed to make and stockpile enriched uranium on their
sites. He admits (after saying just the
opposite when the deal broke) that we are not going to be allowed the much
advertised 24/7 inspection of any site we choose. The exact wording of the document is, “Inspectors will have
continuous monitoring capabilities at known nuclear facilities like Fordow fuel
enrichment plant and the Natanz enrichment facility. For other areas in the
country, including military sites where there is suspected nuclear activity,
IAEA inspectors will have to request access. (Emphasis
added) We are not even going to be allowed to impose new sanctions unless Iran admits
(!!!) that it has violated the agreement.
deal is not a deal at all. It is a
capitulation. For those who think any
deal is better than none I say that you are wrong. You are dangerously wrong.
at any price only produces war at great cost.
Oppose the Iranian capitulation and keep the faith.