Angus T. Jones and the War on Christianity
Angus T. Jones is 19 years old and the highest paid child
actor in Hollywood . He was 8 years old when he joined the sitcom,
Two and a Half Men then starring Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer. At age 8 Angus was a chubby, round faced
little boy. Now he is a slim, athletic
looking, but still round faced young man.
Two and a Half Men was clearly, “adult” humor when Sheen was the
lead actor. I enjoyed the show, but was
always a little worried about how the general tenor of the set would affect an
impressionable young boy. Then Sheen had
his melt down and was replaced by Ashton Kutcher. At this point the show turned deadly dull and
turned to sophomoric humor. You have to
be concerned when a child actor is only brought on stage to make a joke about
smoking pot, masturbating or blowing off school.
Well, as it
turns out, I don’t have to be worried about Angus T. Jones. He appears to have seen the insanity and
inanity of the adults around him and decided that he can do better. Poor Angus.
If he had opted for a life of drink, drugs, profligate sex and law
breaking all of Hollywood
would be in his corner, cheering him on.
Unfortunately, this young man decided to become a Christian. If he had chosen a designer religion like
Buddhism or Hinduism he would have earned himself a qualified pass. Instead Jones has chosen a fundamentalist
Christian religion. As such he has now
become the enemy of paranoid, rabid, anti-Christian liberal snobs who are
positive that the predominant religion in America must be undermined at each
Angus T. Jones appears on a video calling his
show, Two and a Half Men, filth. He
urges people not to pollute their brains by watching. He didn’t get to the part about the show
simply being a crashing bore ever since Sheen left—and who thought that loose
canon would be the lynch pin—but that isn’t the problem. Liberals are not interested in freedom of
speech; they are interested in freedom from criticism. So Jones has been the target of criticism,
parody and invective. Among other things
there is the implication that since he stars in the series, he must not
disagree with its premises. The
hypocrisy of this is incredible.
Glover has co-starred in four Lethal Weapon movies with Mel Gibson. These very violent films, in which he plays
the more stable, but equally lethal police partner of Mel Gibson, are anything
but gentle pleas for non-violence. Yet
no one in Hollywood
has any trouble with Glover, a self described pacifist and social activist,
earning a living as an actor (!!!) in
violent films. In fact, as long as you
are a Democrat, liberal and refuse to acknowledge any kind of moral authority
other than hedonism Hollywood
doesn’t mind you exploiting any film genre.
Being a self proclaimed Christian and acting on it, however, is a much
different problem, and I think I know why.
is a very successful religious movement.
Despite the attempts of zealots throughout history to corrupt its
message of a loving God the central truth of Christianity has triumphed. The Christian God wants us to do good, love
our neighbor and spread a Gospel of grace through faith. Not being able to suppress Christianity
through logic, example or even blatant salesmanship, there are those in power
who feel they must destroy Christianity by disparaging it.
They will
religious freedom, and keep the faith.