A Majority/Minority Nation
A family photo of my macro clan would look primarily
white, Nordic and remarkably like an advertisement for an optician. But by the time my youngest grandchild
approaches 30 years old, my family won’t look at all the same. By that year America will be a, “majority/minority”
nation. That means that while Americans
of European ancestry will be a plurality, they won’t be a majority. By 2044 White’s will make up 49.7% of the
United States population. Hispanics will
account for 25%; Blacks 12.7%; Asians will make up 7.9% of the population; and
that leaves 3.7% in a multi-racial catch all.
One reason for this is a decreasing birth rates among
Whites. Then, the years from 2014-2060
will see a doubling in the rate of Asian and Hispanic members of our society; most
of that increase will come from Asians.
Multi-racial people will triple.
As with all new, poor and struggling minorities, birth rates will be
high at first and drop as economic stability is achieved and people see that
less children equals more resources per child and better chances for their
Those numbers mean that my grandchildren are
going to by mixing, meeting, falling in love with and marrying a group of
people who don’t look exactly like me—thank God. As has been described in last week’s
Washington Post, people tend to marry into economic groups similar to their own.
Let’s say you are going to a state college, working on a degree in
engineering. You are going to be rubbing
shoulders with people who have similar goals, and similar financial means. Those goals and means will be different than
young people attending Community College classes on computer programming, or
trade schools, or Ivy League hot houses.
Like attracts like.
In the 1950’s that meant that most college
students (hunting partners as well as education) were White, unless you were
attending a TBC (Traditionally Black College), in which case you and your
fellow students were probably Black.
Segregation kept people apart. In
the 21st century, students sharing space at University will be White,
yes, but also Asians, Hispanics, and, in much smaller numbers, Black.
I believe it is the pending loss of their, “premier”
minority status, that is the source of much of today’s testosterone filled
acrimony among Blacks. Most Blacks are
educated, working, responsible members of every level of society. Even in the days of segregation there was a
Black professional class, merchant and middle class. There were Black doctors, lawyers, teachers,
artists, morticians, haberdashers, grocers.
These were the same people who were held back only by segregation and they
leapt to the fore when the Civil Rights Bill was passed. Blacks have entered and enriched the middle
class ever since. But, there is a small
group of Blacks who are being left behind, and it is no one’s fault but their
own. They are watching the Latino and Asian minorities, equally poor and
equally discriminated against, avoid multiple generations of welfare, eschew
drug addictions, elevate education and, most important, raise their
children. They see other minorities
succeed while they fail. This mirror of
truth does not enlighten, but only enrage them.
When Ismaaiyl Brinsley executed Rafael Ramos and
Wenjian Liu, an Hispanic and Asian police officer, on December 20th
in New York he thought he was just targeting police. But his cowardly act is indicative of the
strife that lies ahead when minorities seeking to better their lives take stock
of what is moving them forward and who is holding them back.
God bless the immigrants who come here to keep
the faith.