Manti Te'o and Obama's Second Coming Both Involve Fantasy
Newsweek Magazine has
offered up a teasing cover of President Obama, billing him as, “The Second
Coming.” How that must have titillated
the magazines editor, Tina Brown. She is
one of those journalists (a title evidently offered anyone who earns a,
“gentleman’s C” at college) who get dewy every time she hears the President’s
name. She gets to ridicule religion and
deify her man all at the same time. She
thinks she is clever.
In the mean time, in the parallel universe of sport news,
the press loves the story of Mani Te’o and his imaginary girlfriend. I may be the only person in the United States
who feels sorry for this young man.
Whether he was a willing participant in the hoax, a total dupe, or falls
somewhere in between, this is a sad tale of people needing attention at any
cost. What makes Te’o even more
pathetic, is the fact that all of the older, wiser, heads surrounding him chose
hype over due diligence. The University
and the press shamefully used him and his story for their own purposes despite
one red flag after another. Mani Te’o
seems desperate for the romance found in drama, media attention and paperback
novels. His imaginary girlfriend makes
him “…more to be pitied than censured.”
see an odd relationship between the mythical paramour of Manti Te’o’ and the
mythical America of President Obama.
Both have a convoluted psychology which produces them from thin air and
mistaken assumptions.
Barack Obama is the victim of his breeding. We all are.
The important thing is to know that we fall prey to this influence and
account for it in our thinking. The
President’s mother and grandmother raised him in an environment that held
contempt for their middle class comfort.
One can accept the advantages of being born into a mainstream, middle
class, educated America
with either gratitude or guilt. The flip
side of gratitude is generosity. You
recognize what you have been given through grace and want to give back. The flip side of guilt is resentment. If you don’t feel you deserve what you have
been given you hate yourself and that makes you hate the granter of your largesse.
Obama’s mythical America does not exist, but it is
real in his mind. It is a place where
government is the source of all security, all employment, all hope, fear,
succor and sustenance. This man has
never fed from anything but the public trough.
To him, the government is the vehicle by which money—all money—is taken
from rich people and given to less rich people.
Since he has never had to create, risk, give rein to imagination, or
reward those efforts he has no respect for them. In Obama’s mythical America
successful people aren’t smarter, harder working, more talented or disciplined
and therefore worthy of their wealth, they are just luckier and subject to a
leveling punishment. That view isn’t
right or honest, it isn’t even logical, but it is the reality he sees.
isn’t the anti-Christ. His America is more
socialistic than capitalistic. His America is more
interested in dependence and less on encouragement. He is wrong, but it is what he sees. Like all mediocre talents advanced beyond
their ability, he is also hyper-sensitive to criticism and that is his real
Achilles heel. We are going to see a
lot of this in his second term, starting with his second inaugural. Unfortunately, Manti Te’o will recover from
his delusion long before America ’s
voters recover from their’s.
can keep the faith for another four years.