Mega Millions for Voting?
One of the nice things about being married to a member of the other political party is that it teaches you the importance of moderation, restraint and a sense of humor. It also brings into crystalline clarity the differences in how we think. We had a rich chance to view that difference this past week when Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute wrote an op-ed for the New York Times postulating that it would be a good thing if we offered voters a chance to win a million dollar lottery if they actually voted. Ornstein’s argument is that if we get more people voting it would water down the strength of each party’s base extremists and give us a more moderate government. Ornstein gives Australia as an example of a place where you are fined (about $15) for not voting with the result that Australia has a 90% voter turnout as opposed to the 50%-60% which is the best we get in ...