The Real Stooge of the Night: The IRS Scandal Part I

I met Isaac Asimov once.  His Foundation and, Robot series of books have always fascinated me.  Decades ago, when I learned that he was a speaker at the National Science Teacher’s Convention in Washington, D.C. I not only planned on attending, but planned on meeting him.   I shamelessly used my credentials as niece of the then NSTA president, Dr. John Akey, to get close to the best science fiction writer of the 20th Century.  When I was introduced to Asimov I said, “You have no idea how many hours of pleasure you have given me.”  This genius of language looked me up and down with a clearly lascivious gleam and said, “If only I could remember them!”  You have to love a man like that.

            Asimov had the gift given to all writers of sci-fi; he could imagine a world that did not yet exist but could and eventually would.  Edgar Rice Burroughs describes a laser in John Carter on Mars.  Asimov described the impersonal world of social media.   Other writers have painted darker, but certainly possible futures for mankind. 

Aldous Huxley published Brave New World in 1932.  He describes a world where children are decanted from jars, predestined for work of the mind or as little more than slaves or drones.  A drug, Soma, made readily available, keeps a hedonistic culture happy while the government carves out a world of its own design. 

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, another dystopian novel, was published in 1949.  Orwell’s book made words like, “Big Brother” and, “Newspeak” commonplace terms.  In a future characterized by historical revisionism, everyone is monitored every hour of every day by Big Brother.  Like a futuristic Inquisition there is no tolerance and immediate punishment of any individual thought.  The government is the only acceptable source of enlightenment. 

All of these books are marked by a centralized government that brooks no dissention and a population which has been bought off by transient happiness. 

Current events make the newspeak word, “doublethink” particularly disturbing.  Doublethink is the concept that a loyal party adherent will not only say that right is wrong, but actually believe it.  It is not that perception becomes reality, but that reality becomes what ever perception Big Brother chooses.  And the loyal minions follow—mindlessly—enthusiastically—without conscience or compunction. 

            Here is the Obama White House; the Obama supporters; the Obama mind set, the Obama Newspeak.  Here is the dystopian future of which we have been warned.  Proof comes from the mouths of Obama’s spokesmen in their treatment of the Benghazi scandal, the AP wiretap scandal and, now, the IRS scandal. 

            Telling a lie over and over does not make it the truth but this administration is sure that they can create a false reality by mental manipulation. 

Steven Miller’s resignation was supposed to show aggressive prosecution of the IRS, but Miller’s appointment was due to end in June anyway.  Joseph Grant, who also resigned, like Miller, was not, “on the job” when these abuses occurred.  In the mean time, people who were in charge (Lois Lerner, Douglas Shulman, have not been held accountable.   Sarah Hall Ingram was at the helm of this ship when it ran aground on the rocks of Constitution liberty.  Far from being charged with malfeasance she’s been put in charge of administering the Not-So-Affordable-Healthcare-Act.  

The IRS, at someone’s request, was using this federal agency as a club to beat down political opposition.  Obama’s men and burqa wearing women are lying, cheating and obfuscating and it doesn’t bother a single one of them.

Guard the future and keep the faith. 


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