Benghazi and the Little Prince's Liars

My oldest girl is the worst liar in the Western World.  For her entire life the minute this child started to dissemble, her lower lip disappeared into her mouth.  It still does.  Thankfully, she has a good job far from the nation’s capitol, because she could never replace Jay Carney.  This man is a happy liar, it is his natural medium, he doesn’t even think of it as a moral weakness.  To him, lying is just one more magician’s trick to manipulate the masses.   Unfortunately, the whole system of lies first, truth never is starting to wear thin.  Watching him dance all around today’s press conference and some relentlessly specific questions about Benghazi was actually more painful than amusing. 

            There are some facts that are apparent to anyone not suffering from Potomac Fever.  Our Libyan Ambassador, Chris Stevens, and members of his security team, Sean Smith, Tyrone Stevens and Glen Doherty were murdered in a terrorist attack on the United States consulate on September 11, 2012 (8 months ago in case you are wondering what, “a long time ago” means in Carney-speak).  The White House then became engaged, not in safety, or retribution, or even righteous indignation, but in election protection mode.  To assure the Obama fiction of a, “safer world through appeasement” it became essential that these deaths be viewed as anything other than what they were.  The CIA’s correct assessment of what happened was sent back for revisions a total of 12 times by the State Department which frankly said that the truth would open them up to Congressional, “pounding.”   Lies were told, reinforced and even dramatized by Hillary’s hand chopping, “What does it matter…” histrionics. 

            Contrary to the New York Times contention that this is a cheap shot at the President, I think it makes clear how disengaged this President is.  The sad fact is that President Obama is the most managed president in history.  He has been relegated to nothing more than photo ops and speech making by his handlers.  They are probably wise in doing this, and it wouldn’t even be that bad if the men supporting the Little Prince were up to the task of governing.  They aren’t.  This White House’s staff is the least intellectual, most superficially educated, and ethically bankrupt group to walk the halls since the administration of Warren G. Harding.  This is no surprise.  Strong President’s choose strong staffs.  Weak and ineffective President’s prefer like minded, “yes” men.  What we are stuck with here are a group of ideologues who put nothing, including the deaths of four Americans, ahead of their mission to remake the United States in their pathetic vision. 

            So we are watching Carney squirm and hedge his way through a press conference.  He is, first of all, shocked that the mediacracy that created the Little Prince is now asking for accountability.  The administrations triumvirate of blame: Bush, Republicans, Fox News isn’t producing the expected, “smile and nod” response.  People who used to march in line are now insisting on seeing the man behind the curtain.  I could feel sorry for Carney, but then I would be as big a hypocrite as he is. 

            Thank God for a free press and keep the faith. 


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