Liz Winstead: The Real Stooge of the Night, Part II
Liz Winstead, creator of
some television program called, The Daily
Show, heard that a tornado had touched down in Oklahoma and promptly
tweeted (‘cause the world just doesn’t sit right until it has her spontaneous
comment on—well—everything): “This tornado is in Oklahoma so clearly it has been
ordered to only target conservatives.”
Like all
tornadoes, this one didn’t care who was in its path. The death toll screams as loud as its
winds. Whole communities have been razed
and no one’s life will ever be the same.
In the
mean time, Ms. Winstead, deciding to go into damage control when her heartless
comment became broadcast, compounded the whole thing with the following,
half-assed apology: “Made a political
joke, Twas before devastation revealed. In hindsight, had I understood, I would
have refrained. Beyond sorry.”
First of all, notice the
light-hearted use of the archaic word, “Twas.”
She isn’t contrite, she is playing word games. Second, she would have, “refrained.” She wouldn’t have felt differently, she just
wouldn’t have said anything. Finally,
instead of a real apology, she is building her defense (sounds waaaaaaay too
familiar) by saying she made the comment, “…before devastation revealed.”
devastation was she referring to? The
real time tragedy that reduced professional reporters to tears when they tried
to relate the story? The houses leveled
by an EF4, the speed of which might be 200 mph, and force of which will be the
square of that number (Liz, the square of a number is the number times itself,
in this case 200 x 200—just so you know).
The property lost? The lives
permanently and cruelly changed? In
other words, how much devastation in Oklahoma
is acceptable to this woman, and how much prompts a lukewarm apology?
this woman, a tornado in Oklahoma
was originally cause for mirth. Her
attitude comes from equal parts of ignorance, stupidity and a spoiled sense of
is a conditioned which can be cured. It
is simple lack of education. Liz needs
more education and she needs it fast. I
don’t care what college degrees she might have bought, she didn’t study all
that much. Tornados are violent,
unforgiving storms against which there is no defense and precious little
protection. Stupidity, on the other hand
is a life long condition. You can’t put
in what God left out and if Liz has a double digit I.Q. there is a limit to
what she can digest. For this I offer up my mother’s admonition, “Don’t be caught standing up talking when you
should have been sitting down listening.”
Finally, there is the sense of entitlement. For too many coastal people, the interior of
the country is terra incognita. [Liz, that is a Latin term meaning,
“unknown land” first used on maps in 1611 to signify uncharted territory.] These snooty little fools think of the vast Midwest as a comic book of caricature. They would be hard pressed to know that Indianapolis is in Indiana
(Liz, the first is a city and the second is a state). All she knows is that Oklahoma is a red state, and therefore
worthy of her derision. Actually, 33% of
Oklahomans (Liz, that is one out of every three voters) voted for President
Obama. I wonder if she was hoping that
those homes, like the marked doorways of the Hebrews at the first Passover,
would be spared?
apology is not sincere. Her real
attitude toward those not of her ilk is laid bare. She deserves contempt.
Pray for
healing in Oklahoma
and keep the faith.