Malala Yousufzai, the Taliban and the Devil

Malala Yousufzai is a slip of a girl.  She is 14 years old.  She dresses modestly, covers her hair loosely in a long scarf that wraps around her shoulders and speaks quietly but in a clear and direct voice.  She knows the Koran and readily points out that there is nothing which forbids girls from going to school. 

On Tuesday, October 9, the Taliban, under the leadership of a pusillanimous pig named Maulana Fazlullah, sent a team of three assassins to murder this young girl.  They had warned her family three times that her, “Western thinking” would be punished.  Evidently the Taliban’s Fazlullah is not just a pig, he is a barrow.  Only a creature that has lost all of his masculine organs as well as his pride, humanity and character would send killers after a young girl.  You notice, by the way, that this walking latrine didn’t go himself.  Nor did he think that it would take any less than three full grown, armed men to take out one small child.  If you want evidence that the truth is a very dangerous thing, just witness how the Taliban treated Malala.

Far from being ashamed of their actions the Swat Valley chapter of the Taliban (chapter???? Who do these fools think they are, the Grange?) sent its spokesman out to both take credit for the shooting and justify the whole sordid affair.  The girl was promoting Western thinking (that means actually, “thinking”); she was telling the truth about the bullying going on in the community; she had intelligent people in the Western media listening to her.  For all of these reasons she had to die.  Martyrs have seldom been created for doing much less.

Of course, the details of this atrocity are common knowledge.  But the entire situation begs a closer examination.  If you believe in right, then, by definition, you must also believe in wrong.  If you believe in an ultimate right, then you must believe in an ultimate wrong.  If you want to call a perfection of right, “God” then you can just as easily call the ultimate corruption of right, “Satan.”  Satan would never make his existence malevolent and obvious.  That would make it too easy for his prey to see him coming.  Instead, Satan, the great deceiver, is never happier than when he takes the guise of religious zealots.  He gets to not only destroy humans, but their core institutions as well.  Satan has made himself manifest in a corruption of Islam called the Taliban.  

  Make no mistake, the man who ordered the execution of Malala is no more a Muslim than I am.  In fact, Fazlullah is just the opposite of a Muslim.  He tries to tell his ignorant followers that their religion justifies his gangland activities, but he is wrong, and shame on them for allowing him to adulterate their religion with his evil. 

I have said that 100 of these Middle Eastern fanatics are not worth a single American life.  I was right about them, but this one girl, Malala Yousufzai, is worth America’s interest, concern and (because talk is too cheap) action.  I am weary of these pus-filled lesions who call themselves, “Taliban.”  We have drones, we have snipers, we have SEALS.  We have a clear target in anyone who calls himself, “Taliban.”  If Pakistan doesn’t have the will to get rid of them, we should.  I would be more than happy to see us go out hunting for the Devil himself—with extreme prejudice.

Renounce the Devil, all his works and all his ways, and keep the faith. 


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