The Long View for Britain and the United States
What are the long term ramifications for the United States, now that Great Britain has voted to leave the European Union? Despite all the roiling waters and implicit threat that bodies will come floating to the surface, the long view is the only one that works for this truly amazing event. Why amazing? Because the status quo is very easy to achieve, and very hard to upset. It takes courage to say “been there, done that, screwed up big time and it’s all on me.” The first thing we need to know about the long term is that it will take at least two years for Great Britain to extricate itself from the EU. Can you remember what dire, earth shattering crisis was facing the world two years ago? Didn’t think so. There have been lots of vague and general references to what faces all of us because England wanted out, but specifics are either missing or filled with a string of “ifs.” The Chairman of the Fed, Janet Yellen, has o...