Football in America
This is my year to study, understand and become conversant in football. Perhaps a bit of background is in order. There were no sports played, discussed or promoted in my house. My father did watch the Wednesday and Friday night fights and I, being the Tom-boy in the family, watched with him. I was probably the only nine year old girl in Denver who knew what a 10 point must scoring system was. But boxing has long ago lost its charm. That leaves me with trying to catch up to football. It will be a stretch. I once commented that when it came to football, I was lucky to know there were ten men on a side—only to find out there are eleven. Whoops! But I am intelligent and know how to dissect complex things. The theory of relatively makes sense to me, how challenging can football be? Right? [Pride goeth before the destruction; and a haughty spirit before the fall. Proverbs 16-18] In a sensible, ...