Confession is Good for the Soul
I am a smuggler. There! I’ve said it! And, yes, there is a measurable lightening of the burden I carry. It is my fervent wish—no—my hope and prayer that this public mea culpa will remove the dark shroud of guilt that weighs like a leaded blanket on my soul. You see, the corruption of my act does not extend just to me, but to my child as well. But before you judge, hear my story, and then deal with me as you will. My daughter has a soft heart especially where lost or abandoned animals are concerned. Living on acreage outside of Minneapolis , she had room for her growing menagerie, but none of this served her well when she accepted a promotion to Atlanta , Georgia . She was going to have to make a move on the run and a call to her mother was the first task on her, “to do” list. ...