Can't Wait for the Fat Lady to Sing!
Every family has an Aunt Sarah. The names change, but the person remains the same. My Aunt Sarah was a stolid, rotund woman with a tongue and wit so sharp she could skin you with a single line. She was related to us on both my father and mother’s side. Dad’s favorite brother, Marvin, had married Mom’s favorite cousin, Sarah, so they were frequent visitors at our house. That is how I happened to witness the one time when an opera singer caused Aunt Sarah to be caught speechless. As I said, Aunt Sarah was rotund. She was medium height but about as big around as she was tall. My Uncle Marvin was a head shorter than his wife, and thin as a rail, so they had a, “Jack Sprat” quality to them. Sarah liked spending Thanksgiving with us, and since she ruled the roost, we counted on them every year. November of 1956 was special. We finally had a television...