Viktor Yanukovych, Yulia Tymoshenko, and the Corruption of Power
Lord Acton (1834-1902) was the first person to say that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. He was an English politician and historian. He was also an observant man, though not always a wise one. He considered America ’s Federalism the best guarantee of personal freedom and liberty, but then took this laudable idea a step too far by supporting the Confederacy. He placed the South’s elevation of states’ rights above the human rights issue of slavery. Clearly, Lord Acton was on the wrong side of not just history, but justice, God and basic humanity on that one. Yet, he still was spot on when he coined that phrase about power and its inexorable march toward corruption. You can not have power without abuse. Any person, even a very good person, will eventually succumb to the subtle corrupting influence of power. Anyone seeking the ring of power ends up like Smeagol—eating raw fish with their bare h...