An Alternative View of Gun Control From a Good Republican
“ A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state , the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ” That is the wording of the 2 nd Amendment to the Constitution. For those of you who think this is an excuse to allow assault weapons to be broad cast throughout the land I would point out that the reference is to a, “well regulated militia.” If you want guns, join the military, or the police, or the National Guard. If you really want to interpret that wording to mean that every Tom, Dick and Harry gets as many guns as he can haul home, well then I get to interpret it to mean that only duly authorized militia get to have arms. I would also like to point out that the 2 nd Amendment is just that, an amendment. It is not part of the original Constitution. It is part of the first 10 amendments added to the Constitution af...