The Top 10 Blogs for 2013
What would the New Year be without a list? Here, in order, are my top 10 blogs by number of views. 1 . Peter W. Higgs, A Nobel Prize and the Music of the Spheres (October 9) I was delighted that a science blog took first place. “Unlike the Nobel for Literature, which seems to go to any dull, obscure 2 nd world writer who sees the world as a forlorn and gloomy place, or the Nobel Peace Prize which has turned into a political joke with America as the punch line, the prizes in the hard sciences: physics, economics, chemistry, and medicine are genuine acknowledgments of expertise and merit. This kind of knowledge challenges mankind. It makes us test ourselves on every level from physical to metaphysical. It makes us better people through an appreciation of the music of the spheres.” 2. Lenten Sacrifices and Stranded Whales (February 26) featured my husband (a trained member of the coastal rescue for the Texas Master ...