Angus T. Jones and the War on Christianity
Angus T. Jones is 19 years old and the highest paid child actor in Hollywood . He was 8 years old when he joined the sitcom, Two and a Half Men then starring Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer. At age 8 Angus was a chubby, round faced little boy. Now he is a slim, athletic looking, but still round faced young man. Two and a Half Men was clearly, “adult” humor when Sheen was the lead actor. I enjoyed the show, but was always a little worried about how the general tenor of the set would affect an impressionable young boy. Then Sheen had his melt down and was replaced by Ashton Kutcher. At this point the show turned deadly dull and turned to sophomoric humor. You have to be concerned when a child actor is only brought on stage to make a joke about smoking pot, masturbating or blowing off school. Well, as it turns out, I don’t have to be worried about Angus T. Jones. ...