Fence Riding in the Last Frontier

Alaska gave President Obama an extraordinary chance to tap dance back and forth across the line of political correctness.  How do you keep Native Americans and the lathered left both happy at the same time?  The Inupiat Eskimo Corporation had sent Obama a letter saying “History has shown us that responsible energy development, which is the lifeblood of our economy, can exist in tandem with and significantly enhance our traditional way of life.” So, with dismissive dissimulation, he told the Inupiat that Alaskan oil was part of the future.  In a state where 90% of the economy centers on energy, Obama was singing the song of conciliation.  The Asterisk-in-Chief then oiled up the left by stopping for photos at carefully chosen venues designed to dramatically highlight global warming.  He waved a hand toward retreating glaciers and said “Climate change is no longer some far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now…We’re not acting fast enough.” His implication being that it may be too late to save “these people” (Inupiat Eskimo and any other group he can find that doesn’t look too white or too European). 

He then told the members of the Arctic climate resilience summit (Glacier Conference) that he stands firm on his commitment to cut our carbon emissions to the bone.

The message changes with the audience.  Among the list of false assertions that duped a country and got this man elected are Obama’s statements that natural gas and coal had a future in his administration.  During his first administration (which was carefully and successfully crafted to do just one thing—get him elected for a second term) he was silent on climate change.  But in his second term he became a drum major for those issues that (a) reflect his far left zealotry and (b) will build his legacy.  [Note that his first self-selected job was to get re-elected and his second was to make a name for himself; the actual job of protecting and promoting the country were never on the radar.] 

Obama points to success because his Clean Power Plan has wrested promises from China and Mexico to cut their carbon emissions while we slash ours.  He believes that these two countries will honor their commitments because they are such sterling examples of altruism.  Does he really believe that emerging countries, wedded to growth out of necessity and inclination will limit their cheap, easy energy production to save the Alaskan glaciers?  Do you? 

Certainly this man has proven not to be the mental giant he was billed as by a fawning media.  He is the least prepared, most handled, and frighteningly detached President I have seen in my life time.  He wanted the title; he did not want the job.  But does he actually believe what these foreign governments say?  I think he does, which is the part of him that is dangerous instead of just annoying.  It does not occur to him that just as he smoothly lies to the Inupiat Eskimo to get their approval that others might have the temerity to do the same to him.  His hubris is that ingrained.

In the mean time, this is what you didn’t see in coverage of Obama’s Alaskan trip.  According to the USGS the Hubbard Glacier in Alaska is growing and advancing—not retreating.  It has been for 100 years but it didn’t fit the message so it didn’t get any air time. 

Sometimes the legacy one leaves is not the legacy one thought they were crafting.

Think it through and keep the faith.



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