Bernie Sanders: A Pimp for Snivelers

I haven’t paid much attention to Bernie Sanders.  I don’t have much sympathy for socialists.  They look way too much like tapeworms.  But Bernie was on the television the other day when I had my hands in the sink washing dishes, so I had to listen.  It seems that, unlike most socialists, Bernie actually does have a job.  He is a pimp for the snivelers of this nation.

According to Bernie, rich people are bad and poor people are good.  [Someone I thought those qualities of personal rectitude would be evenly distributed throughout the population but, no, it seems once you earn enough money you turn into a running dog capitalist and aren’t worth spit.]  Bernie hates rich people, hates capitalism which creates rich people and he really hates Walmart which is an example of capitalism that employs 1.4 million people--about 1% of the American work force. 

But there is a dose of reality that Bernie the Pimp never tells his johns.

In 1986 the top 10% of income earners in the United States paid 55% of all income taxes.  The remaining 90% of income earners paid 45%.  Now take a look at 2010:  That same 10% are now paying 71% of all income taxes and the bottom 90% are only paying 29%.   The snivelers have dropped their tax burden 16% in the same time the top 10% have had their burden raised by 15%!  But are they happy?  NO!  They are snivelers.

Instead of admiring people who succeed, they are eaten up with jealousy.  Instead of recognizing talent they dismiss it as luck.  They despise hard work and make fun of self-discipline.  Instead of seeing what is possible in their own lives, they choose to suckle at the miserable tit of perpetual victimhood.  Bernie Sanders, of course, counts on these people to give him their dysfunctional allegiance. 

Neither the snivelers nor Bernie the Pimp are interested in these facts:  Those who make over $250K a year pay almost 50% of all this countries taxes.  (If you are a patent attorney and your spouse is an actuary you are probably in this category.  Of course you also spent many years foregoing employment while you went to college and working your way up the ranks, but Bernie still hates you.) 

If you make $100-200K you pay 24% of all income taxes.  (If you are a construction worker and your spouse is a police officer you could fall into this category.  Of course your hours and working conditions are fearful but Bernie still thinks you are scum.) 

If you make $50-75K you paid 9% of the tax burden.  (Let’s say you are a gaming manager at a casino, or a home economics teacher, you could fall into this category, even if your spouse does not work.  Don’t think Bernie will like you, though, you are still working for a living, which means he can not cultivate you as a social parasite.) 

Finally, we have those earning less than $50K.  They pay about 6% of the income tax burden.  I respect these people because they are still paying something, which means they are being good citizens and feel like they have some skin in the game.  (A bar tender, personal trainer or flight attendant for example might fall into this category.  Bernie might like you a little, but only if you aren’t using your free time to go to school or work for a promotion.)

I honestly don’t know who thinks this pimp’s message has any merit, but someone must because he is gaining in the polls.

Stop sniveling and keep the faith.



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