Hillary and Obama: Who cares?

Who cares?  At this point, who cares? 

Hillary, well rehearsed and focused on dissembling, delivered the line in an Oscar-worthy performance.  Once again, standing behind a lying man, she is willing to trade her, “also ran” standing on the world stage for personal honor.  Since graduating college, this woman does not have a single item on her resume that she did not acquire but by being a compliant apologist to a philandering, but powerful, husband.  Well, at least she married well.  Now, once again the faithful ploy, she is lying as well as she can so President Obama is not revealed as a careless, unschooled and ideologically driven leader, unequal to his most relevant task.   

            Anyone, not sold, body and soul, on the myth of The Obama knows what happened in Libya.  The administration wanted to maintain an appearance of having tamed the Islamic militants.  The violence against an American Embassy (essentially American soil in the midst of a foreign country) so great that it would require military action would soil that image.  Decisions were made by the President’s aides to leave the Embassy alone and hope for the best.  When lives were lost and an Embassy torched those same aides lied, fabricated and misrepresented as much and as often as they could to make the President look good and his opponents look bad.  They had an election to win.  At no time did a moral or strategic duty enter into consideration. 

            I have said before that President Obama is an ill prepared Chief Executive who wants the title more than the job of President of the United States.  He is so emotionally fragile that he surrounds himself with second rate advisors who won’t challenge his thinking.  His only goals for this country are to turn it into a patriarchal, socialistic, militarily weak and declining country.  The legacy he wants is to punish and chastise the United States for all of its past sins, the chief among them being that we couldn’t convince his father to stay at home.  There is a lot of complex psychology here, folks, but it radiates from this man like gamma rays.  I doubt that Hillary buys into Obama’s hubris and self-absorption, but she will play along if it gets her farther down the road.  

I appreciated the President’s 2nd Inaugural Address.  At last we were allowed to see the man behind the curtain.  It’s all about global warming, civil rights and getting illegal aliens a voting status.  Record deficits?  No problem.   No budget?  No problem.  Social programs heading us toward financial ruin?  No problem.  Threats like those faced by our diplomat staff in Libya?   No problem.  Obama finally came out of his political closet.   

Some of us saw exactly what we expected (I had hoped for better, but, alas…); others saw someone they simply didn’t recognize; others cheered for the, “real” Obama.  Liberals, of course, are delighted, and will remain so until the Little Prince starts waffling on his promises to them as well—and he will the minute the going gets tough and requires creative thinking and good parliamentary skills.  Obama is unhappy with this country and does intend to change it.  Since the majority of voters said that Obama’s agenda is what they want (even if they were either ignorant or wrong in their judgment) this is what they will get.  It will be interesting to see if the majority feel this way four years hence, when someone is going to have to clean up the mess the Little Prince will leave behind. 

We will need a big broom, mop and cleanser to keep the faith. 


Anonymous said…
So much angst.
louisebutler said…
Not angst, but veritas. Thanks for reading.
Unknown said…
I know more than a few who are already experiencing buyer's remorse. Great column, Louise. :)

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