An Alternative View of Gun Control From a Good Republican

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  That is the wording of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.  For those of you who think this is an excuse to allow assault weapons to be broad cast throughout the land I would point out that the reference is to a, “well regulated militia.”  If you want guns, join the military, or the police, or the National Guard.  If you really want to interpret that wording to mean that every Tom, Dick and Harry gets as many guns as he can haul home, well then I get to interpret it to mean that only duly authorized militia get to have arms. 

            I would also like to point out that the 2nd Amendment is just that, an amendment.  It is not part of the original Constitution.  It is part of the first 10 amendments added to the Constitution after it was originally enacted.  These 10 amendments, added as a block in 1791, are part of the great story of how our Founding Fathers created a living document.  The Constitution has and will continue to grow with us, the Nation it was designed to protect.  No one loves this document more than I do, but it is fluid, and allows for changing times and changing ideas of what good government means.  For example, we now allow women to vote! 

            Honestly, while I will not tolerate a gun in my house, I can tolerate hunting weapons.  But assault weapons, semi-automatic weapons, magazines that hold multiple rounds are beyond my tolerance.  They are designed only to kill human beings, an idea which is abhorrent to me.  Obviously many people disagree with this. 

I doubt I will change any minds, but there are some numbers I want to share with you to sum up my thinking: 


  Let’s start with the number of murders committed by a gun in a few countries last year.

  14:    United Kingdom

  47:    Japan

 144:   Canada

2606:   Mexico

9369:   United States

[South Africa, Columbia, and Thailand did beat us in murders; my, that should make us proud!  What great company we are in.]


Here is another number: 

61 is the number of mass killings involving firearms in the United States since 1982. 


And there are some other numbers that reflect the following:  The majority of Americans support various types of what is loosely called, “gun control.”  The only two restrictions not supported by a majority are limiting the number of guns someone may have and the concept of no guns at all.  But none of these are the number that you should be interested in.  The number I want you to concentrate on is this: 1. That is my number; it represents my vote.  I am a Republican and I do not, under any circumstances, vote for Democrats.  Not on this issue, not on any issue.  But neither shall I cast my one vote for any Republican that does not support comprehensive gun control.  If I am just 1 vote, then that is no problem for anyone.  I become a voice crying in the wilderness.  Democracy has a way of winnowing out the nut cases.  But if I am part of a large group of Republicans and independents who think that if great countries like Great Britain, Canada, and Japan can have free societies and limited guns, so can we, then there is some cause for concern. 

Evolve, but keep the faith. 


Unknown said…
That Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. These are the Rights upon which our Government is NOT to tread. The Second Amendment is our lever against a tyrannical Government and vehicle by which we are able to individually enforce the Third Amendment. What Amendment so clearly states the right of anyone to kill an unborn child? Or is it written clearly in the Constitution? What Amendment clearly states homosexual marriage is a right? What Amendment clearly states women's rights as defined today? What Amendment guarantees food stamps, cell phones, welfare, and all of the other freebies handed out to those who don't support themselves at the expense of those that do?
Finally... What part of the Constitution clearly dictates that the Government has the Right to disarm its' law abiding citizens? Funny how people want to do what they like, but are damn eager to tell someone else what they can't do. My Rant..

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