An Interesting Proposal

I have an interesting proposal to make to anyone who uses illegal drugs.  I don’t mean the pot smoking, meth head, heroin addicted, cocaine using losers still living at home and the can’t-hold-a-job-because-they-are-constantly-tweaked fools.  They don’t read blogs (lost the ability to recognize a noun and verb link long ago).  I am talking to all of you out there who think in terms of, “recreational” use.  Those of you who think you are so smart, so special and so entitled that you can do a daily joint, an occasional line, indulge a random high and get by with it.  I have an interesting proposal for all of you drug users who mistakenly think you are respectable people.

            I live in the Rio Grande Valley.  Several years ago, an acquaintance of mine, an internationally known author, was talking to me on the phone and wanted to know if Edinburg, Texas was a dangerous place, “…what with all the drug cartel violence.”  This man lives in New England, but he was very well aware of the ugly tripod made up of drugs, Mexico and the Texas border.  Not that drugs aren’t everywhere, don’t come from everywhere, and don’t cross our borders everywhere, but I live in the RGV and see the effects of drugs, money and violence every day.  So I have an interesting proposal—an experiment as such.

            The reason for all of this violence is money.  The Mexican cartels control more money than the Mexican government.  These sleazy punks are not smart.  They aren’t educated.  They aren’t clever or talented or industrious.  But they are rich and getting richer because they provide drugs to Americans.  They provide drugs to wealthy, middle class and poor Americans.  And they use violence to protect their income.  That means that every child who is tortured by cartels to punish the parent; every woman who is raped and beaten by cartel thugs to, “put her in her place;” every man who is beheaded by the drug gangs for not wanting to be a drug mule is brutalized because you choose to get high.  Why?

            Is the mental masturbation of drugs really worth what happens to innocent people?  Is the fact that you are too lazy to cope with life using your own brains worth this anarchy?  If you want to try justifying drugs with the tired old clichés of comparison with alcohol do me a favor, shut up.  First of all, alcohol is legal.  If you want to use drugs, make them legal.  Decent people don’t break the law.  Second, you can’t justify a negative with a negative.  Are more drunks really what this world needs?  Finally, you can drink without getting drunk; you can’t use drugs without getting high.  So just shut up—and listen to my interesting proposition.

            Here it is.  December starts this coming Thursday—a week from Thanksgiving.  How about giving the world, and yourself, a real present this year?  And it won’t cost you a dime, in fact, it will save you money.  I am proposing that we put the cartels out of business for the month of December.  I am proposing that for one month, from December 1 to December 31 that every one of you who uses illegal drugs simply stops.  Not forever, not for a year, not even for the foreseeable future, just for one stinking month.  Let’s fight cartel violence by taking away their funding for one month.  Oh, and by the way, if you can’t stand the thought of no drugs for one month, let’s face it; you are just as addicted as the meth head on the corner.

            Get help, quit for December and, above all, keep the faith.  


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