Predisdents and Progeny
There are five Presidents who never produced biological children. George Washington, James Madison, James K. Polk, James Buchanan (our only bachelor President and only openly gay President) and Andrew Jackson. Warren G. Harding had no children in wedlock but did father a daughter prior to becoming President. There are also several Presidential blood lines that have been ended. Those are Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore, Abraham Lincoln, Chester A. Arthur and William McKinley. Other lines, like those of John Adams, both Roosevelts and John Tyler seem to go on forever and that leads me to a fascinating story. On August 30, 2018 a ninety-three-year-old man, Lyon Gardiner Tyler Jr., walked into the White House. Lyon’s grandfather was President John Tyler, 10 th President of the United States. Lyon is the grandson of a man who was President 180 years ago! John Tyler was Vice President under William Henry Harrison in t...