Eugenics, the Holocaust and Misplaced Perfectionism
Eugenics is a term first used in 1883 by Francis Galton, a British statistician (and cousin of Charles Darwin). Galton defined eugenics as “the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally.” Like most people that have only partial understanding of complex scientific concepts, Galton took his incomplete knowledge of natural selection and used it to make errant conclusions on race. Galton’s ideas were not only wrong, but morally corrupt. Galton’s ideas were appropriated by those who trade in xenophobia, antisemitism, misogynism and racism. These people, who probably couldn’t pass a 9 th grade biology exam, decided that Charles Darwin, and Gregor Mendel had given them the ammunition they needed to behave in the disgusting ways that come naturally to the angry, fearful and insecure. Peo...