Coronavirus: A Halloween Horror Story
Have you ever wondered why pictures of the coronavirus look like the kind of ball you might throw to your dog? Photos of the virus show a sphere with raised, tricorned knobs spaced all over it, each about 30 degrees of arc apart. The virus, of course is extremely small. It is 50-90 nm’s in size. A nanometer is 1 billionth (0.000000001) of a meter which means that 20,000 could easily fit on the dot above this “i.” So why the knobs? Those knobs are what attach to your cells. They act like a key to unlock the protective protein barrier around your cells. Knobs that do not fit the key will not unlock the cell, protecting the cell from invasion. Knobs that do fit your cells fool it into thinking that this virus is something that the cell should want or could use. It absorbs the virus and then becomes its host. Viruses are shameless guests. ...