Sen. John McCain Has Always Kept the Faith
I wrote this column when I first learned that Sen. John McCain had inoperable brain cancer. I hope it conveys the respect and affection with which I hold this great American. Sen. John McCain stands with his arms at an odd angle. He moves them only by moving his whole shoulder. His arms reach for objects by moving outward and then forward instead of in a normal forward flow. On October 26, 1967 a 31 year old John McCain was flying his 23 rd bombing mission over North Vietnam. He was shot down and ejected from the cockpit, but that is a violent act and he broke both arms and a leg upon impact with the ocean. Those were not the wounds he suffers from today. The North Vietnamese who pulled him from the water deliberately crushed his shoulder with a rifle butt and then bayoneted him. He was transported to the Hanoi Hilton, the North’s primary prisoner of war camp. There he was refused...