Ashfall, Nepal and the Yellowstone Volcano
Scenes from Nepal this weekend remind all of us that this planet is a moving, living beast. When it shrugs its skin mountains move and we small, soft, vulnerable humans are collateral damage. The Earth of course is not alive in the carbon-based sense. Its actions are indifferent to human presence in their application of tectonic cause and effect. Pressure produces heat; heat causes expansion; expansion in a confined space produces tension that is released with geometrically expanded expulsions of energy and matter. All of this is completely out of our control. What would you do in the event of a truly world changing event? Perhaps you have simply put your fate in the hands of an immortal and omniscient deity and set the thought aside. That course of action is not helping the Nepalese right now. In the same week that Atlas shrugged in Nepal, the University of Utah published a study in the journal Science proving that the Yellowsto...