Congressional Salaries vs. Time Worked
The average salary of a member of the United States Congress is $174,000. That puts them in the top 5% of income earners in the United States . Ninety-five per cent of you earn less than that, but no matter what your income, if you are a full time employee, you put in about 47 hours per week. Unless you are a member of Congress. If you are 36 years old, Congress has put in a full week of work exactly 14% of the time since you were born. Since 1978, our legislators have worked two full weeks out of every 5 months! If you piece meal their work day by day it amounts to less than half of the week days available. This means they are being paid $608 per day, give or take. I ask you, are you getting your money’s worth? The legislators, by the way, think they are underpaid. Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) is on record as saying that that amount just isn’t enough to, “…make ends meet.” Rep. Moran is retiring this yea...