Evil is Real and Manifested in ISIS
When ISIS performed a beheading, not against a military foe (though that would have been just as despicable) but a helpless captive whose presence among them was totally benign (other than disseminating truth, which they would rightfully see as a threat) they made manifest their evil existence and intent. This is certainly not the first time ISIS has been shown to be cruel--basely cruel--inhumanly cruel—unnaturally cruel. The followers of ISIS are, in truth, not humans, so much as apostles of evil. There is a force for evil which is universal, just as there is a force for good. You can call evil Satan if you want, though it hasn't a physical form any more than God has a physical form. But evil, as an entity, is most certainly real. Just as I know that there is a perfection of love, mercy, strength and goodness which, by its very existence, draws us to it (Aristotle’s, “Unmoved Mover” if you will) likewise there is an opposite for...