An American Returns Home for the 4th of July
I am an American. You can tell by looking at me. It is in how I stand, walk and talk. I spent the last four months in Australia and New Zealand and every one there took one look at me and said, “American.” I like that. I am guilty of the hubris of thinking that being an American is better than being from any other country. Mind you, I have absolutely no imperialist ambitions. We would do nothing but adulterate out strength and character by acquiring additional territory. Neither do I think that we are smarter than other people. Intellectually, I know that genius and inventive acumen are equally distributed throughout the human population. That means, by the way, that the third world countries are an intellectual landscape lying fallow through economic deprivation. We need to do something about that. [I firmly believe that one of the greatest legacies of George W. Bush is going to...