Bloomberg, Babies, Taxes and Ted Cruz
There are a handful of items that need addressing, but do not warrant an entire column. So, today is a series of Butler Bits. Topping this list is New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s current effort to promote breast feeding by making formula difficult to get, and laced with paperwork. Now, don’t get me wrong. I nursed both my girls and encourage every new mother to do the same. It is the best route for baby, mother, and society. But it amazes me that the same people who are all for, “choice” when it comes to aborting a baby are the same people who want to put hurdles in the way of mothers who choose formula over nursing. What is more, the hospitals are not to dispense formula without giving the mother a lesson on what is wrong with formula and what is right with breast feeding. Isn’t this the same kind of intelligence requested by opponents of abortion (counseling, sonograms, etc.) but loudly denounced by those who are pro ab...