Michele Bachmann, A Fiesty, Frontier Type
What is happening to Congresswoman Michele Bachmann in the press just stinks, but I am impressed with how she is handling herself. She is not my candidate, but there is a great deal about her that I like. For starters, s he is a Norwegian Lutheran from Minnesota , and so am I. My maternal grandfather was a Blaisdell. His people have been in this country since 1635. But, both of my grandmothers came from Norway , and as is typical, their’s was the culture I was raised in. Minnesota is the only state I know where marrying into a different synod of the Lutheran church is referred to as marrying outside your faith. It is a blue state (which adds considerable weight to the broad appeal of both Bachmann and Pawlenty) which has grown much of its political muscle within its university system. I think those solid roots are helping Michele Bachmann confront the prejudice she is facing now in the media. Rep. Bachmann is the f...