I Know Why the Media is so Angry

Has it occurred to the media that if we had gotten Mitt Romney in 2012 we wouldn’t have Trump now?  And Romney was a candidate who took the Russians very seriously. 
Ruth Marcus, a columnist for the Washington Post perfectly illustrates why I discount the veracity of modern journalists.  Marcus refers to a need to ignore “Obama-era foibles.” This is a dismissive and manipulative way of brushing off Attorney General, Loretta Lynch’s instruction to Comey to down-play the active investigation of Hillary Clinton by calling it a “matter” instead of using the correct word “investigation.”  Comey, whom Marcus says should be taken at his word, said it made him “queasy.”  But Marcus also wants us to dismiss this part of Comey’s sworn testimony, which doesn’t fit her bias, while treating the rest of it like Gospel.  And that is the part of the media that I despise.
The fact is Trump treated Comey the same way he would have treated the head of legal affairs in his corporation.  None of this gives the President a pass.  In doing so, he may have committed obstruction of justice and not knowing the lay of the land does not excuse him.  It is his job to learn the law and abide by it.
But if Trump must be held to a specific standard, so does everyone else. 
I voted for Clinton, but that was simply a choice between projectile vomiting or explosive diarrhea.   Given two fatally flawed candidates I went with intelligence over bullying.  Trump should never have been President and I hope he resigns before this term is over.  But I don’t give any pass to the left-leaning media that played a significant role in getting Trump to the Oval Office. 
The press tacitly boosted Trump throughout the primaries and thought they were pulling a great wool over everyone’s eyes. On November 8th, they were hoist on their own petard.    
According to the New York Times Trump got almost $2 Billion dollars in free air time from the press during the primaries.   Compare that to the next highest number for free exposure which was $214 Million.  That coverage belonged to Jeb Bush, a moderate candidate who speaks fluent Spanish and knows both domestic and international issues by the book.  So why did a qualified candidate like Bush get about 1/10th as much press coverage as Trump?  Because the press didn’t want a qualified candidate facing Clinton.
CNN led the pack in free Trump coverage during the primaries.  From CNN he received 54% of all Republican news coverage.  MSNBC mentioned him 50% of the time.  Fox trailed the pack but still made him the focus 47% of the time.  By contrast, Bush and Rubio shared 10% each and the rest of the candidates were in single digits. 
Evidently, you get what you pay for. 
Trump got twice (!!!) the amount in free publicity as was paid for during the most expensive Presidential campaign in history (Romney/Obama in 2012).  The press, in their hubris, thought they were just “gaming” the average American.  They thought they had pulled the ultimate con on people they assumed to be the ignorant unwashed.  No wonder the left leaning press is so angry.  In their minds, they have been duped by the minions they thought they controlled. 
The media better reserve their anger for themselves.  They did as much to foist this man on us as the DNC who decided that the only people one can properly dislike, discount and abuse are blue-collar, straight, White males. 
I’m not on anybody’s side, but I keep the faith. 


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