Dr. Benjamin Carson: Courage, Integrity and One Wrong Idea

On Thursday, March 27, 2003, Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson, Sr. addressed the opening general session of the National Science Teachers’ Association’s national convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  It was my introduction to the man who announced his candidacy for President of the United States today.  
I was active in the National Science Teachers Association for years and attended its yearly conventions.  I have seen a host of great speakers: Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Mae Jemison, Richard Leaky…the list goes on.  Dr. Carson stands out for two reasons.  First, no one can fail to be inspired by his message of success in the face of adversity.  Second, this man has only one standard for honesty and he sticks by it, no matter who his audience is.  That is courage.   
Dr. Carson learned discipline at his mother’s knee.  This man, who is a world class neurosurgeon, was an indifferent and moody student through elementary school.   His single mother (a real parent, not just an egg donor) wouldn’t have it.  She shut off the television and required him to read and produce written reports on two books a week!
I can hear it now:  “Nobody else has to do this.” 
“You’re ruining my life!”
“You don’t understand.”
“When will I ever need this stuff?” 
And the ever popular…“I hate you!”
            Anyone who has had to discipline a child knows there must have been a loud and stressful few weeks in the family confines.  That is until Little Ben started seeing results.  He ended up graduating high school with honors and went on to Yale University and the University of Michigan Medical School.  Carson became a specialist in pediatric neurosurgery.  He was the youngest major division director at Johns Hopkins Hospital.  President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008.   
Clearly, Dr. Carson has credentials that will get him into anyone’s front parlor.  He was invited to Obama’s first National Prayer Breakfast and proceeded to take the Democratic Party and its plantation attitude toward minorities to task.  I am sure that President Obama’s West Wing staff assumed that Benjamin Solomon Carson would be a, “safe” bet at the National Prayer Breakfast.  They judged Carson on his color.  Here was a black, Detroit born son of a single mother.  They assumed he would be solidly in their camp, spouting nothing but the party line. 
Wrong!   They should have seen him in Philadelphia!
At the 2003 NSTA convention, years before he became a household word, Dr. Carson spoke of his background, his success, his analytical work in separating conjoined twins, joined at the back of the head in a procedure previously though impossible.  Then, in a simple segue, he spoke of his faith and this man told an auditorium full of science teachers that he simply did not believe in evolution!
Now, let me make this as clear as I can.  Evolution is a fact.  There are tomes full of empirical evidence that prove it has and continues to be a major force in the physical world.  Dr. Carson is wrong on this one idea, but the point is, he didn’t mind stating his position in front of an audience that believed the opposite.  Ben Carson has courage beyond measure and intelligence to match.  He didn’t mind telling the NSTA what he thought, he didn’t mind telling the Obama administration what he thought and I can’t wait to hear what he has to say next.
I have written about several of the Republican candidates for President.  In all honesty, Carson is not on my short list, but it doesn’t have to do with a question of character.  
Speak your mind and keep the faith. 


Unknown said…
Although he claims he is an independent. Shortly after a February 2014 speech, Carson appeared as an honored guest on a special episode of Fox News’ “Hannity” and then gave a rousing address at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
*He wants a fairer and flatter tax structure, with lower corporate taxes (a believer of Reagan’s ‘trickle down/voodoo’ economics),
*He wants to repeal Obamacare entirely and convert medical insurance to health savings accounts for all,
*He compares US government to Nazi Germany and classifies the Affordable Care Act to slavery.
*Ignoring the ‘Establishment Clause’ of the Constitution, he believes that the US is in fact a Judeo-Christian nation (quote “I think that's a huge part of our strength”) and there should be no separation of ‘church and state’
*He does not believes in gay marriage or unions, stating “anyone from any group does not have the right to redefine a major pillar of society.”
*His belief is that marriage should only be defined as between one man and one woman; comparing homosexuality to bestiality.
*He is a free-market advocate who points to the deregulation of Wall Street in the 1990s (which lead to the financial crisis of 2008)
*In a speech at the Republican National Committee (RNC) 2014 winter meeting. Carson equated the mentality of American patriots (soldiers) who were willing to die for their beliefs to those who fight for the Islamic State, ISIS
*There are raised concerns about his anti-scientific views believing in creationism theories that hold that all life on Earth was created by God about 6,000 years ago. It rejects Darwin’s theory of evolution, which is the central principle that animates modern biology, uniting all biological fields under one theoretical tent,
*In July 2014 as a ‘pro-life’ advocate, he stated that America has no right to assert that ancient civilizations were "heathen" for practicing human sacrifice since this nation is doing the same thing by allowing abortion to remain legal (a woman's choice).

He fails to mention the Constitution’s limitations consistently. His ideology springs more from his street experience rather than from a study of the Founding Fathers or the books they read. Of course, not ever held elected office, I wouldn’t expect him to understand the practice of governance
Anonymous said…
I came to your blog while researching Ben Carson.past utterances. I found him to be a religious fundamentalist and a fanatic in the sense he has adopted certain positions about certain "religious" views. Positions that for the most part are immovable and beyond introspection (Ben Carson does not merely believe he is right, he is sure he is right AND every one that disagrees with him is wrong. So much for humility)
Relatively these views I found him to be intellectually dishonest and a liar (when "analyzing" evolution, he will make up things or omit crucial elements)
I read your blog with interest as you seem an interest person but I think you mischaracterized bravado and fanaticism for courage and integrity.

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