Alcee Hastings Thinks Texas is Crazy

Representative Alcee Hastings thinks the state of Texas is, “crazy.”  Well, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but to judge the worth of someone’s opinion it is good to know a little something about them. 
Alcee Hastings is a Democrat who represents the 20th Congressional district in Florida.  Hastings has served in the 20th district since 1993.  But the interesting part is what happened prior to his election to the honored position as Representative to the United States Congress.  Our little Alcee served as a Judge to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida beginning in 1979.  He was appointed to the newly created position by Jimmy Carter, which explains a great deal.  He served as a Federal Judge until—wait for it—his impeachment and removal from that post in 1989! 
Why was he impeached?  He was accused of accepting $150,000 in bribes in exchange for lenient sentences.  His bribe taking was so blatant that a Democratic controlled House and Senate still voted for his impeachment and removal from office.  He is one of only eight federal officials in all of American history to be impeached and removed from office.  The Democrats did throw the unrepentant Hastings a bone however when they chose not to remove the chance of his ever again running for office.  (I ask you, who was crazy there?).  The only reason Our Little Alcee did not serve time is because his co-conspirator in the case, Mr. William Borders, refused to testify against him.  Borders was sent to prison, but was given a complete pardon by then President Bill Clinton.  Are you seeing a pattern here?  Good.  I knew my readers were smart people.
The voters in Hastings district then took a look at this bribe-taking judge and decided he was exactly the man they wanted representing them in Congress.   I ask again, who is crazy now?  Of course insanity must run in the family in the 20th district because Alcee succeeded Debbie Wasserman Schultz in that district. 
            Despite his dubious legal and ethical record, Nancy Pelosi almost appointed Hastings chair of the House Committee on Intelligence.  Evidently even the joyless Pelosi decided that the words, “Hastings” and, “Intelligence” could not be put in the same honorific without laughter drowning out any serious debate, so she ultimately gave the job to Silvestre Reyes of—again, wait for it—Texas.  No wonder Hastings has it in for Texas.  They have a history.  Actually, Our Little Alcee has lots of history.  He has been charged with sexual harassment, using tax-payer money to acquire a Lexus, and, while ranked as the poorest Congressman in Washington (I would agree with that if we were talking morals) he is ranked # 1 in paying salaries and fees to family members.  He even paid his girlfriend $622,574 over the years from 2007-2010.  [A man this smarmy having a girlfriend?  Again, who is crazy?]
            How does a man so obviously unfit for office get elected?  Let’s take a look at Alcee’s constituency.  The district is predominantly Black and approximately 1 out of every 7 people is listed as, “disabled” and getting government assistance.  The 20th has an unemployment level of 13.2%; 19.7% live below the poverty line; 1 in 9 people, aged 25 and above, have no high school diploma.  So the 20th district might be made up of people who are poor, ignorant and dependent, or, maybe, the people of Florida’s 20th Congressional district are just crazy. 
            Wise up 20th.  This fool does not keep the faith. 


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