HarperCollins, Israel, and Geographical Fraud

Personally, I was hoping that 2015 would start without me getting a good mad on until at least the third week of January.  I was disabused of that hope when the story broke about HarperCollins doing what the entire Arab coalition of the Middle East could not.  They destroyed the nation of Israel.

HarperCollins is a large publisher.  Their list of books and imprints (the smaller, boutique publishing houses that are actually just HarperCollins operating under pseudonyms) is enormous.  They are also, is seems, shills for the anti-Semitic, rabid, pusillanimous terrorists who think Hitler actually had the right idea. 
HC has been peddling an atlas that they tout as, “…“in-depth coverage of the region and its issues.” Its stated goals include helping kids understand the “relationship between the social and physical environment, the region’s challenges [and] its socio-economic development.”  Evidently that understanding also includes the exclusion of Israel from—well—the world.  Where Israel should be there is no name, no country, and no indication of culture, history or ownership.  All other geographic areas (Islamic areas) are shown and labeled in detail.  But Israel simply doesn’t exist.  This is brain washing at its worse.  This is the future described for us in Huxley’s Brave New World.  If you don’t like a country, just pretend it doesn’t exist.  If you don’t agree with someone just wipe them off the map.  If you want to blame Jews for your own misfortune, just build an oven—a big oven.

Of course, an act of intellectual fraud on this great a scale would not go unnoticed.  The story was first reported in a Catholic publication, The Tablet.  Once the smarmy truth was out, the publisher started the usual round of breast beating.  They regret the error.  The product has been removed from sale in all territories and all remaining copies will be, “pulped.”  Of course they don’t say what they are going to do about the copies already in the hands of students, and what is going to be done with the money they have made selling lies, debasing truth and promoting hate.

The most embarrassing quote came from Collins Bartholomew, the geographic subsidiary of HC.  In an unctuous alibi for falsifying information, the publisher issued this statement, “…including Israel would be unacceptable to their customers in the Gulf and the amendment incorporated local preferences…”    Let us make it very clear what has actually occurred here.  HarperCollins, has offered appeasement to the murdering, genocidal scum of the Mideast.  They would not have removed the United States if Great Britain decided they did not like losing the Revolution.  They would not have restored the old boundaries of the U.S.S.R. if Russia said it did not like the breakup of its territory.   Their exclusion of Israel was a blatant endorsement of Islamic terrorism and its goals.  Someone in their organization is responsible for this decision and that person needs to be exposed for the hate-monger that they are.  

But that still leaves me with about a year’s worth of anger, and this is what I am going to do about it.  I read a lot.  For the next year I am not going to buy or read a single book by HarperCollins.  And not just HarperCollins, but its imprints as well.  Yes, I just happen to have the name of every one of them.  They are: Amistad, Anthony Bourdain Books, Avon, Avon Impulse, Avon Inspire, Avon Red, Bourbon Street Books, Broadside Books, Dey Street, Ecco Books, Harper Books, Harper Business, Harper Design, Harper Luxe, Harper Paperbook, Harper Perennial, Harper Voyager, Harper Audio, HarperCollins 360, HarperOne, Igniter, Newmarket, William Morrow, William Morrow Cookbooks, William Morrow Paperbacks, and Witness.  

Boycott HarperCollins and keep the faith.


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