Climate Change is Bigger Than all of Us

According to the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, increases in temperatures in the Western United States are due to natural causes, specifically wind and wind driven ocean currents.  Using independent data from 1900 to 2012 (during the teeth of the industrial expansion of modern countries) the study shows that temperature changes are, “primarily due to atmospheric circulation.”  For over 100 years, West coast sea and coastal temperatures have been moving in lock step with wind currents and the surface sea temperatures which move along with them. 

This flies in the face of the proponents of anthropogenic, greenhouse gas forcing, climate change.   The usual nay-sayers are chiming in with their blustering denials. 

Neither the facts of this study nor its opposition by the politically motivated surprises those of us who have been watching the scientific data of climate change for decades.  We know that near the end of the Younger Dryas period (starting around 14,000 years ago) the temperature in Greenland rose 18 degrees (Fahrenheit) in mere decades.  Compare that to the less than 2 degree rise in world wide temperature over the last 100 years.  Yes, we are getting warmer.  Yes, the melting of sea ice and glaciers will be accelerated as the warming continues.  But this has happened before and will happen again.  The world is a very large place.  The sun, the source of all of our heat, has fluctuated in the past sending us in to and out of catastrophic climate changes. 

Climate change has never been the question.  We used to have an ice age, we don’t have one now, we will have another in the future—case closed for climate change.  What is in question here is whether nature is in charge of this planet or humans are.  There are forces who desperately want to blame people for climate change.  No, not just people—the people they already hate—people whom they hate for the basest of ideological reasons.  For these, “Hate America” groups, the guilt for climate change always has to lie with democratically elected, capitalistic, progress loving Americans.  Their mantra is capitalism is evil (socialism, by definition must be good); America, being the living heart of capitalism is evil (and the ever corrupt, inefficient, self-serving bastions of centralized governance must be good); people who want to work and be rewarded according to their energy, talent and discipline are evil (people who continuously suck from the governmental teats are good).   Like all people with an agenda instead of a brain they attack logic, recruit ignorance and feed emotion.

            That leads us to the climate change protestors that loitered in front of the businesses of working people this weekend.  These irritating intestinal worms evidently have no jobs.   Ignorant as they are I shouldn’t be surprised.  But where do these great unwashed get their money????  Mom and Dad????  Welfare????  Selling drugs????  Who funds their peripatetic protests?

I know who recruits them.  I even know why they are too lazy to find their own truth and too bigoted to listen to opposing ideas.  They are socialists.  They have never had to work so they do not value work.  They don’t have to pay their own bills so they don’t value money.  They are probably so drug impacted they can’t form a cogent thought if you spot them the cause and effect.  They are being led like the brainless sheep they are, I just want to know by whom. 

 Follow the money and keep the faith.


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