The Morning After Pill, Korman, Northup and the Left's War on Girls
I have a temper. I also think that giving in to one’s temper
is a sign of moral and intellectual weakness.
Anger simply fuels the flames of ire and creates more anger, not reasoned
solutions. Besides a temper I also have
more faults than the average person is allowed, and so, I occasionally give in
to my temper. I always regret those
that in mind, I did not complete this column yesterday as I planned. I have, in fact, deleted nearly everything
from yesterday. For example, I have
decided not to question U.S. District Judge Edward Korman’s sexual
proclivities. He is probably not protecting
himself when he said underage girls should be allowed to buy the, “morning
after” pill without a prescription. I
have decided not to wonder why he would refer to the, “imprudence” of children
as young as 10 or 11 having intercourse.
Notice, by the way, that the word, “imprudence” means unwise or
indiscreet. Evidently Judge Korman
hesitates to use the word, “rape” in reference to sex with a child too young to
give consent. The judge clearly thinks
that, “rape” is too judgmental a term for a pervert who preys on young
girls. [Whoops—did I say pervert? Damn that creeping temper. I will try to do better.] I wonder if he thinks that Jerry Sandusky was,
“imprudent” in raping young boys. Think
not? Well the liberal left never did
have too many problems with a double standard.
But then boys can be raped without worry about pregnancy so no problem,
right? Those babies are such an
inconvenient manifestation of, “imprudence.”
my temper in check, I am also deleting all the references I made to Nancy
Northup, president of The Center for Reproductive Rights, one of the groups
that sued to overturn restriction on the pill.
Ms. Northup is quoted as saying, “This landmark court decision has
struck a huge blow to the deep-seated discrimination that has for too long
denied women access to a full range of safe and effective birth control
methods.” Notice that this shill for
predatory men used the word, “women” referring to the only group affected by
this decision, girls under the age of 17.
Ms. Northup knows the importance of deflecting attention from this, “get
out of jail free” card for child molesters.
She does so by calling girls in 5th through 10th grade,
“women.” None of these girls can drive,
buy liquor, live independently or use a credit card, but Ms. Northup
duplicitously refers to them as, “women.”
She does this because she doesn’t care that they are being
molested. She is the tool of men who use
women and she earns a good living doing just that. I would call such a woman a…damn, there’s
that temper again!
fact is girls under the age of 17 need parental consent for the morning after
pill because its need signifies the fact that they are being raped. There is no such thing as consensual sex between
a minor and any man. Does no one
on the left care about that? Does no one
think these child molesters need to be found, stopped and prosecuted? Is no one going to protect our children? How dare the left talk about the, “war on
women” when they so readily sacrifice our children.
these children be made to carry a child of rape? No.
Should the son-of-a-bitch who did this to them be allowed to get by with
it? Hell, no!
times, getting angry is the best way to keep the faith.