The Westminster Kennel Club Show and Winning Dogs

Which of these activities best describes a good day for you?

1.       I need a job to do.

2.      I like roving around in the great outdoors.

3.      I’m a couch potato who needs congenial company.

4.      No matter what, I need to get my ducks in a row.

5.      Nothing makes me happier than digging in the dirt.

6.      Doing nothing special, just going with the flow.

7.      I like to nose around and find things out for myself.

How would you describe your size?

1.       Small

2.      Medium

3.      Large

How active are you?

1.       Always on the move

2.      I am busy, but know how to relax too.

3.      I live a sedentary life.

What is your attitude about having people around?

1.       I like companionship and affection.

2.      I am social, but like my solitude as well.

3.      I tend to be a loner.

When given a new piece of technology, what is your reaction?

1.       I want to learn everything about it, and make it do things not in the manual.

2.      I learn how to make it do what I bought it for and no more.

3.      I don’t acquire new technology unless I can’t help it.

Which of the following describes your basic look?

1.       Short hair.

2.      Medium hair

3.      Long hair.

According to how I answered these questions, I would probably be a pug if I were a dog.  That would be okay with me.  I like pugs.  Of course, good dogs are owned by good people; and a dog, be it pit bull, pug or poodle, is the product of his ownership. 

            I bring this up because the Westminster Kennel Club is going to be broadcast on Monday and Tuesday nights.  It can be viewed live (8:00-11:00 p.m.) on CNBC Monday, February 11 and on the USA Network Tuesday, February 12.   Do yourself a favor and tune in.  Begun in 1877, the Westminster Kennel Club Show is the second oldest sporting event in the United States (the oldest is the Kentucky Derby).  It is also the only place on television where the word, “bitch” is used reverently.   This dog show is like opera, even if you aren’t into the subject, you can still enjoy the spectacle. 

            However, if you are a dog person, the real, “best in show” winners aren’t at Madison Square Garden.  The dogs who have really grabbed the brass ring are the eight or so mixed breed mutts that live here at Sandpipers Resort in Edinburg, Texas.  These are the dogs who have been adopted, many from right off the rural dirt roads where they were trying to scratch open trash bags to get a little food, by retirees at our park.   The pups come in every color, shape and size and they are wonderful companions.  The dogs came to their owners from a life of hard knocks, afraid of their own shadows.  In a few days, after bathing, de-worming, steady food and gentle care, they are transformed.  You can see them, trotting at the head of the lead, tail wagging, head up, curious, alert and, most of all, happy!  By the way, the same can be said about their new owners. 

These dogs have landed in the honey pot and they know it.  They return the favor by loving their owners and bringing joy to everyone who sees them.  I admire the dogs at Westminster, but if I wanted a dog, I’d get one from our local shelter—they’ve earned it.

Love all of God’s creatures, and keep the faith.      


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