Lindsey Stone and Why the Brat Should Not Lose Her Job

For those who may not know, the latest face to be carved on the idiots’ wall of shame is that of Lindsey Stone.  Judging from her photo, she is 30-ish woman who posted a picture on Facebook so offensive that it ultimately cost her job.  It seems our little Lindsey was on a trip (paid for by her employer, by the way) to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers in Arlington, VA.  There is a sign at the tomb that asks for both quiet and respect.  Ms Stone, clever soul that she is, decided that this was her opportunity to mug for the camera.  After all, what cries for comic relief more than a monument to soldiers who have died in active service in so unhappy a fashion that their remains can not be identified?   Ms Stone is photographed pretending to shout and giving the, “finger” to the sign (the Monument?...the soldiers guarding the Monument?...those of us who revere what it stands for?) 

            When a furor arose over this obvious insult she tried to smooth things over by posting some lame apology/excuse.  The distilled version is that she is simply, “…challenging authority…” Well, that makes everything right, doesn’t it?                      Actually, her ridiculous attempt at, “some ‘splainin’ to do, Lindsey” tells us a great deal about her.  She called this photo, “challenging authority.”  I call it a spoiled brat laying her ignorance open like a book.  Does she have the right to behave like an ass?  Of course she does.  But I also have the right to respond to her behavior by holding her in contempt. 

            Is she educated, disciplined, productive, or responsible?  Has she done anything to make me think her opinion of authority is worth my regard?  Who put her in charge of deciding which authority is worth listening to and which needs to be challenged?  I am willing to bet this loser has a dead end job and lives at home.  Instead of being a rebel (as she wants to see herself) she probably conforms to every social pressure of her peer group.  [I am willing to bet on multiple tattoos.]  Ms. Stone is so intellectually stunted that she can’t tell the difference between honest debate and mindless crudity.  Lindsey isn’t a heretic; she’s a fool. 

            Well, the jury on her behavior came in and delivered a verdict of, “guilty.”  The calls for her firing were heeded by the company that paid for her trip to Washington, D.C.  Lindsey lost her job.  I am very sorry to hear that.  If I had it in my power I would give her that job back.  Why?  What is she fit for?  Who will hire her?  My taxes are going to be supporting this walking tumor for the foreseeable future.   I do not want the government this woman so obviously despises, providing her with services paid for with my money.  Nope, I want Lindsey the Loser to work every blessed day of her miserable life.  Maybe—maybe—given enough time, she can come to appreciate what hard work and sacrifice are.  I doubt it, but I would rather have her working than living off the dole. 

            This woman has a great deal to learn.  I would like the following to be her first lesson, the words written on the Western side of the United States Tomb of the Unkowns:








God bless the Unknown Soldiers and keep the faith.


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