Monica Lewinsky Makes Hillary Look Good

So the handbag designing business didn’t work out.  The guest speaking gigs fizzled.  Evidently, “Dancing With the Stars” hasn’t called either.  So Monica Lewinsky is writing the predictable, “tell all” memoir.  Never mind that Monica probably can’t compose a grammatically correct sentence if you spot her the noun and the verb, she thinks her thoughts on the subject plus a ghost writer will finally equal income. 

            Make no mistake; President Clinton behaved like a boar in rut.  But he’s a man.  I’ve said many times that while I love men, I just don’t understand them.  And we have all seen repeated evidence that a penis must be a heavy thing to carry around.  That doesn’t change the decisions that Monica Lewinsky made.  Nor does it change the fact that now, failing to marry well, she is hoping to make money off the salacious details of her affair.  Sweetie, that is more than a little slutty.

            If women want equality (and we do) that means we have to be willing to take responsibility for our actions, their consequences, and not play the victimized tattler when things get tight.  How many, “tell all” memoirs have jilted men written?  I do think that Ms. Lewinsky sees herself as having been seduced and abandoned.  She wasn’t.  She was a spoiled, simple minded girl who had been called, “princess” too many times.  Once Daddy got her that job as a White House intern she was sure she could parlay a thong and some lip gloss into a meaningful relationship with the most powerful man on earth.  Monica’s hubris convinced her that once Clinton was out of office, he would leave Hillary and make Monica a semi-honest woman.  My goodness, she must have been surprised when she couldn’t even raise him on the cell phone. 

            Speaking of Hillary, who would have thought that after eight years of Bubba and four of Obama that she would turn out to be both the class and the brains of the outfit!  The difference between Hillary and Monica truly points to the difference between the feminist movement as it was envisioned and as it too often turns out.  Our Secretary of State graduated from Yale Law School; Monica has been schooled beyond her intelligence.  Hillary turned a man into a President; Monica turned a President into an impeachment proceeding.  Hillary stares down the most conniving, chauvinistic, power hungry leaders of the Mideast; Monica can’t remember to dry clean her party dresses.  And when this is all over, Hillary is going to give a long suffering sigh, shake her head at the naïve, but familiar, antics of her child-man husband, and move on to her place in history; Monica is going to try to pay her Visa bill. 

            What went wrong—I mean with the feminist movement, not Monica?  Somewhere along the way, feminism (which really started out as my mother deserving better pay for training men to be her boss) turned into a shabby tool for free love.  When did women decided that casual sex was just as good as being taken seriously in the work place?  That just exchanges one kind of being screwed for another.  Personally, I will be delighted if my granddaughters grow up knowing they are way too smart, capable and focused to have sex with just any man. 

            It is too late for Monica.  She is stuck with a tawdry past and no interest in an honest job.  She could get work hawking makeup at Macy’s, but thinks she’s too good for that.  Of course, there’s always Dancing With the Stars.

            Raise strong girls, and keep the faith.   


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