Wade Michael Page, Nazism and Personal Outrage

If I have any remorse over the death of Wade Michael Page it is that he can not be used as a lab rat to find out how a human being turns himself into a foul beast.  Page was rightfully shot to death on the site of his attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin.  As with all pusillanimous shooters of innocents, I think their only social value is to be studied to find out what screwed them up past the point of humanity. 

            We have photos and articles showing Page trying to act the big shot in front of disgusting images of White Power and Nazi flags.  Page displayed the usual pattern of the perpetually ineffectual loser who is attracted to any movement that can layer on the manhood which nature seems to have left out.  He was a washout in the Army, had a criminal record that includes DUI’s and petty mischief.  He didn’t have a steady job, other than the marginal existence of a rock band.  Even his girl friend left him for another member of the same band.  Currently he didn’t have a woman in his life.  Loser!

            Such people frequently turn to neo-Nazism or other gangs because they tell them what they want to hear—that they are not responsible for their life of serial failure.  It is always someone else’s fault.  They actually are superior to successful people, in fact, in their twilight world of convoluted thinking, the success of others is the reason they have failed.  Reason and logic are not their intellectual long suites.   Evidently, neither is history.

            There are few things that irritate me more than people who treat words and concepts lightly.  They are invariably people who don’t read, and certainly didn’t pay attention in history class (oh, wait, we don’t teach history any more do we!?!), and there in lies part of the problem.  These fools bandy around the term, “Nazi” and, “Hitler” as if one needs only tangential similarity to the real thing to merit comparison.  These are similar to the people who use the words, “rape” and, “lynching” for dramatic impact when they clearly do not hold the enormity of either word in due regard.  Ignorance produces sweeping statements to cover up little substance.  Actual rape, lynching, Nazism and the real Adolf Hitler are all monstrous.  Most of the convenient, politically inspired comparisons are pathetically weak attempts to shore up poor arguments.  I wonder if Wade Michael Page realizes that the real Hitler and his Nazi thugs would have weeded him out through sterilization as a weak link in their march toward a, “master” race.  Maybe, deep down, he did know that, which produced the self-loathing that caused him to kill innocent people.

            It is the same poorly thought out heresy that brought me a moment of shame and outrage yesterday.  I am a Republican.  I disagree with 90% of what President Obama thinks, says and does.  But he is my President.  I am bound by the Constitution that protects me and my love for this land to respect his office.  There are lines that one simply does not cross without shaming us all.

 At the post office in Sequim, Washington my husband and I saw a group of people campaigning against President Obama.  They were displaying a poster on which was a photo of the President, doctored with a mustache to look like Hitler.  Shame on them!   I can not defend a single thing these or any people say, when they start with a reference so ugly and unwarranted.  

            Guard against excess, and keep the faith.


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