Maxine Water and Other Idiots

Everyone says something stupid once in a while.  I don’t have to go back farther than a few weeks to think of a situation I got myself into with the usual deadly combination: more mouth than brain.  My sister and I were cooking up a storm in her kitchen two days prior to my niece’s wedding.  My mother, who lives with Sis, was sitting at the dining room table.  Mom swears she can’t hear any more, but, as you shall see, it is selective deafness.  When my niece came in she started regaling us with her trip to the spa for some bridal landscaping when I blithely asked her is she’d gotten a, “Brazilian.”  She was about to offer a blushing answer when my mother called out, “What’s a Brazilian?”  My sister, niece and I looked at each other and it was clear no wanted to fall on that grenade.  Getting my mental feet under me first I turned to Mom and said, “It’s the kind of wax they use, Mom.”  With that bit of information, Mom spent the rest of the evening telling everyone who stopped to listen that my niece shouldn’t be wasting money on expensive wax and nobody would catch her getting a Brazilian!  Well, truer words were never spoken! 

            The moral of this story is that anyone can look like an idiot once in a while, but Maxine Waters has elevated it to an art form.  Waters is the kind of person who stares at a chess board and wonders why all the pieces aren’t the same size.  She is best remembered for asking the scientists at NASA if the Mars rover could travel over to the flag left by the astronauts.  No, Maxi that was the MOON(!!!), not Mars.  But, nothing if not consistent in her ignorance, she now is positive that the Tea Party is the reason her constituents can’t find a job.  And she isn’t alone in that misconception.  Elijah Cummings says he wants the President to fight harder.  The members of the Congressional Black Congress keep talking about the disproportionately high Black unemployment and insisting that President Obama do something about it.   They all seem oblivious to the role of the President in job creation.  Or are they?

            Do all of these CBC members really think that the problem is, “Washington” hasn’t created enough jobs?  With the exception of public works and governmental employees there are no jobs that can or should be created by, “Washington.”  The number of people employed by the federal government is consistently and considerably less than 20%.  So what are members of the CBC asserting?  I contend that it really has nothing to do with the number of jobs available in the country at large or the level of unemployment among the Black community.  Why attack the Tea Party which has said nothing about unemployment beyond wanting less taxation among the people who hire workers?  Doesn’t it make sense that less tax money going out would equal more money available for employees? 

            What the CBC is trying to sell to their constituents is not more jobs, which are not created by taxes, but more unemployment, social security, disability and Medicare benefits which are paid for by taxes.  They are selling more financial assistance for those who don’t work, provided by those who do.  If they really wanted more jobs, the CBC would be talking about education, discipline, and private enterprise—actually, they would all be Republicans. 

            If you find yourself going to Hell, work hard to keep the faith.


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